IPv6 bridge + gif tunnel

Hideki Yamamoto yamamoto436 at oki.com
Wed Nov 3 08:53:43 PST 2004


I am considering a network application test environments with FreeBSD
boxes as following.  In the following, we show three step
architectures.  This is an example for IPv6 VPN using IPv4 network.  I would
like to use the IPv6 address assigned by IPv6 router on the remote the
IPv6 terminal.  And the packets from/to IPv6 MC router, which supports 
MLDv1 or v2 specification, are also transfered to/from the IPv6

At the first step, I think it seems to be possible by using ipf bridge
function.  I wonder if it is possible to implement the second step or
later.  Are there any information about this issue?  Any information
are welcomed.  Thanks in advance.

<<STEP1>> Simple IPv6 bridge
  [IPv6 MC router ]-+---------+-(fxp0) IPv6 bridge     |
                              |                        |
                              |                        |
                           +--+-(bge0) IPv6 bridge     |
                           |  +------------------------+
                           |        term#1
                           +-----[IPv6 terminal(NDP client)]

<<STEP2>> IPv6 bridge cascaded by gif tunnel

  [IPv6 MC router ]-+---------+-(fxp0) IPv6 bridge          |
                              |                             |
                              |                             |
                           +--+-(bge0) IPv6 bridge and IPv4 |
                           |  | (gif0) IPv6 over IPv4       |
                           |  +-----------------------------+
                     <IPv4 router>                           
                           |  +-------box#3-----------------+
                           +--+-(bge1) IPv6 bridge and IPv4 |
                              | (gif1) IPv6 over IPv4       |
                              |                             |
                              |                             |
                              |                             |
                           +--+-(fxp0) IPv6 bridge          |
                           |  +-----------------------------+
                           |        term#2
                           +-----[IPv6 terminal(NDP client)]

<<STEP3>> IPv6 bridge cascaded by gif tunnel with tun device

  [IPv6 MC router ]-+---------+-(fxp0) IPv6 bridge          |
                              |                             |
                              |                             |
                           +--+-(tun0) IPv6 bridge and IPv4 |
                           |  | (gif0) IPv6 over IPv4       |
                           |  +-----------------------------+
                     [PPPoE server]
                     [IPv4 router ]
                           |  +-------box#5-----------------+
                           +--+-(bge1) IPv6 bridge and IPv4 |
                              | (gif1) IPv6 over IPv4       |
                              |                             |
                              |                             |
                              |                             |
                           +--+-(fxp0) IPv6 bridge          |
                           |  +-----------------------------+
                           |        term#3
                           +-----[IPv6 terminal(NDP client)]

P.S. To save network cards and to show the network in detail, 
     I thik that the ideal architecture is as follows:

  [IPv6 router(RA)]-+---------+-(fxp0) IPv6 bridge          |
     [PPPoE server]-+         | (tun0) IPv6 bridge and IPv4 |
                    |         | (gif0) IPv6 over IPv4       |
                    |         |                             |
                    |         +-----------------------------+
               [IPv4 router ]
                    |         +--------box#7----------------+
  [IPv6 router(RA)]-+---------+-(bge1) IPv6 bridge          |
     [PPPoE server]-+         | (tun1) IPv6 bridge and IPv4 |
                              | (gif1) IPv6 over IPv4       |
                              |                             |
                              |                             |
                           +--+-(fxp0) IPv6 bridge          |
                           |  +-----------------------------+
                           |        term#4
                           +-----[IPv6 terminal(NDP client)]
Hideki YAMAMOTO 		     |
Broadband Media Solutions Department | E-mail: yamamoto436 at oki.com
Broadband Media Company		     | Tel: +81-48-420-7012
Oki Electric Industry Co., Ltd.      | FAX: +81-48-420-7016

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