Sereciya :: OpenBSD pf ported to FreeBSD?

Bruno Afonso brunomiguel at
Sun Apr 6 17:44:08 PDT 2003

Sereciya Kurdistani wrote:

>  Thank you for replying... ;)
>>On 2003.04.06 09:55:30 -0700, Sereciya Kurdistani wrote:
>>>  Oooops!  "pf" is quickly starting to look like IPFILTER...
>>The OpenBSD guys made pf because they didn't like the license on
>>ipfilter. pf should the same rule syntax as ipfilter but I have never
>>tried any of them.
>  Do you by any chance know if in fact specificaly "pf" has been ported
>  to FreeBSD*? 
> * rumor from: 
It appears so. Why don't you try it out ? The best thing about pf on 
obsd is its altq integration...

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