Sereciya :: OpenBSD pf ported to FreeBSD?

Sereciya Kurdistani sereciya at
Sun Apr 6 09:44:35 PDT 2003

Hello Folks,

  Quick Question for you guys &| gals...
  Can anyone confirm the following:

  April 4, 2003

  Pyun YongHyeon has ported pf to FreeBSD, and Max Laier is working on
  the port and maintains this page with installation instructions.
  I'm pulling this directly from:

  If that is the case, where will I find "pf", in the ports collection?
  or... ?

  Also... has anybody tried "pf" out yet (on FreeBSD).

| Welat xwe ava nake, dest bidin hevdu, pist nedin tu dijminî  |
|   Riya azadiyê ne hêsan e, hêviya xwe bernedin, dema me      |
|     nêzîk e.                                                 |
|                                                              |
| Hevaltî bi kesên du rû nekin, hevaltî bi hevdu ra bikin      |
|   Ne ji hevaltiya wan kesên pêxwas û rû dirêj, ne bi wan     |
|     kesên xwînperest, ne jî ji yên din.                      |
|                                                              |
|                                   -Sêrêciya Kurdistanî       |

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