Kernel modules

Hans Petter Selasky hps at
Mon Mar 18 14:11:23 UTC 2019

On 3/18/19 2:56 PM, Jason Bacon wrote:
> On 3/18/19 7:55 AM, Hans Petter Selasky wrote:
>> On 3/18/19 1:32 PM, Jason Bacon wrote:
>>> Anyone using the kernel modules lately?
>>> After building per the instructions on the wiki 
>>> (
>>> <<<ROOT at unixdev.ceas>>> /home/bacon 1005 # kldload ibcore
>>> kldload: an error occurred while loading module ibcore. Please check 
>>> dmesg(8) for more details.
>>> dmesg:
>>> link_elf_obj: symbol if_index undefined
>>> linker_load_file: /boot/modules/ibcore.ko - unsupported file type
>> Hi,
>> You built the KMODs out of the kernel? Try adding 
>> DEBUG_FLAGS="-DVIMAGE=1" to your out of tree build.
>> --HPS
> I used the script for building kernel modules (which I wrote and posted 
> at a few years ago, based on advice 
> from a Mellanox developer at the time).  This will show exactly what I did.

Can you try:


instead of


in the script. In FreeBSD-12 VIMAGE was turned on by default unlike 


> Hoping there's a simple fix for this.
> In theory, it should now be possible to enable IB support on a stock 
> FreeBSD system in a few minutes, since we should be able to use loadable 
> modules instead of doing a buildkernel, and IB support is now included 
> in the base, making buildworld unnecessary:
> This is a big step toward enabling the use of stock FreeBSD systems in HPC.
> I had successfully used the IB stack before by loading the modules and 
> doing a buildworld.
> Regards,
>      JB

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