QLogic IBA7322 QDR InfiniBand HCA on 10.3-RELEASE

Justin Clift justin at postgresql.org
Sat Apr 30 10:56:45 UTC 2016

On 30 Apr 2016, at 10:06, Hans Petter Selasky <hps at selasky.org> wrote:
> On 04/30/16 09:54, Vinícius Ferrão wrote:
>> Hello guys,
>> I’m playing with Inifinband for the first time on FreeBSD and I already have problems with it. I’ve got a machine with this card in specific and I’m trying to use this card without any success.
>> pciconf -lv outputs this:
>> root at freebsd1:~ # pciconf -lv | grep -i Qlogic -A3 -B1
>> none17 at pci0:2:0:0: class=0x0c0600 card=0x73221077 chip=0x73221077 rev=0x02 hdr=0x00
>>     vendor     = 'QLogic Corp.'
>>     device     = 'IBA7322 QDR InfiniBand HCA'
>>     class      = serial bus
>> So at least the system is aware of the card, but I can’t see it on dmesg, so something is missing. Drivers? Support? Kernel Module?
>> I came across this webpage https://wiki.freebsd.org/InfiniBand and cannot find the card on the table of supported hardware, so at this point I started to believe that the card is just unsupported.
>> But here we are on the mailing list, to see if anyone can help.
>> Thanks in advance.
> Hi,
> Try loading qlxgb or qlxgbe.

Hmmm, between them, the man pages for qlxgb and qlxgbe say they support:

 * QLogic 3200 series (qlxgb)
 * QLogic 8200 series (qlxgb)
 * QLogic 8300 series (qlxgbe)

Should we add them to the "hardware support by release" table?

Vinícius, with your card, do you know the exact model number?  IBA7322
seems to be the controller chip on the card itself, not the adapter model
number, so it's hard to tell which series it belong too.

Saying that from looking through the QLogic IB Adapters PDF:


Page 3-5 mentions it, as well as Figure 3-1 on that same page. :)

Regards and best wishes,

Justin Clift

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