
WAL-MART walmart at
Tue Jun 17 16:18:47 UTC 2014

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Candidates for Local Evaluation tasks are currently needed to test some of the leading stores in your area, such as Kmart, Rite Aid or local postal office, Usps.
You are required to offer a full range of shopping/testing services in a variety of nearby industries:
* Stores * Restaurants * Hotels, etc.
You get between 45O-75OU5D every week, depends how many locations we need to test.
*Poccess good memory
*Ability to give clear - concise and factual feedback.
Send in the details below to be contacted with more info:
1. N.A.M.E-
*Age & 0ccupation:
2. VaLld Address-
3. Ce1l-Number:
4. ClTY, State & Z1P-C0DE:
Our surveys are 100% legitimate and We provide salary/fee before tasks.
Official Recruiters

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