FREEBSD IA64, You Could Save R238pm on Insurance Premiums - MyCarCover at
Tue Feb 26 11:20:44 UTC 2013


Are you too busy to save over R238 per month?

If you are anything like me, then you are usually too busy to keep your insurance policies up-to-date.  But did you know that the insurance industry recommends that you should update your Car & Home Insurance policies at least once per year to keep your costs down?

The reason for this is that your car & home contents market value will decrease year on year - usually it drops as you car & home contents gets older.  Your insurance company will be happy for you to continue paying your premiums at your property's original value (what they call the 'insured value').  But when it comes to claiming they will only payout on the actual market value of your car & home contents.  So effectively you are over paying on your insurance each month.

Did you know that one can save as much as R238* per month on insurance premiums by simply updating or changing your insurance policy?

Every year you should either update you policy with your current insurer or else get some new quotes from some other insurers to make sure you arent paying more then you should be.

And that is where we at can help!  We source upto 11 Car & Home Insurance Quotes from some of South Africas top insurers (which may include even your own).  And you can do this directly from via your computer in the time it has taken to read this far.  Easy peasy!

So why not try us out and see how much you can save.  Simply click here and get a quote.

This takes all the hassle and hard work out of finding the best insurance for you and what’s more, you can do it from the privacy of your own home / office / wherever you are reading this.

Give us a try, go to, or apply now


The team

Get 11 Quotes and save 30%

Our Services include:
1) Online automated quote management process
2) Step by step guidance and advice from professionally trained staff
3) Best quote provided usually within the same day based on your personal circumstance
4) Totally secure application process using SSL Encryption

* Typical saving estimate is 30% of premium on average premium of R793pm

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