Important: You must sign on in the next 3 days

PayPal Support eusupport at
Sat Jun 30 11:32:18 UTC 2012

   Important: You must sign on in the next 3 days

   Note: This is a copy of the notice we sent to your primary email

   To confirm your enrollment, you must sign on by Jul 2, 2012.

   For your security, your online access is due to expire if you have not
   signe   Bill Pay service   information, will also be canceled

   Follow these simple steps to sign on to PayPal Online:

           1.[1]Click here to Sign On, enter your username and password,
   and click Go.

           2.If you have forgotten your user   password, click the Username Help link and follow the q   step-by-step instructions.

   Once you [2]sign on, you can view your PayPal accounts in one    place, monitor account activity, transfer money, view statements, and   much more.

   If you have questions, we're available, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

   Thank you,

   PayPal Online Customer Service


   1. 3D"http://zahidtractor.=/
   2. 3D""

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