
Anton Shterenlikht mexas at
Mon Feb 6 14:23:09 UTC 2012

On ia64 I've built kernel and world with  r230941.
After installkernel, reboot, installworld, mergemaster,
make remove-old, I reboot and get this panic at the very end:

Recovering vi editor sessions:.
/usr/local/etc/rc.d/svnserve: set_rcvar: not found
Starting svnserve.
su: unknown login: svn
/etc/rc: WARNING: failed to start svnserve
Updating motd:.
Starting ntpd.
/usr/local/etc/rc.d/rsyncd: set_rcvar: not found
Starting rsyncd.
/usr/local/etc/rc.d/gmond: set_rcvar: not found
/etc/rc: WARNING: /usr/local/etc/rc.conf is not readable.
/etc/rc: WARNING: failed precmd routine for rc
/usr/local/etc/rc.d/bsdstats: set_rcvar: not found
Starting bsdstats.

fatal kernel trap (cpu 1):

    trap vector = 0x14 (Page Not Present)
    cr.iip      = 0x9ffc0000008cb960
    cr.ipsr     = 0x1010080a6018 (ac,mfl,ic,i,dt,dfh,rt,cpl=0,it,ri=0,bn)
    cr.isr      = 0x400000000 (code=0,vector=0,r,ei=0)
    cr.ifa      = 0x168
    curthread   = 0xe000000011a9f9e0
        pid = 760, comm = dig

[ thread pid 760 tid 100073 ]
Stopped at      cpu_set_upcall+0x190:   [M0]    ld8 r14=[r14] ;;
db> show proc 760
Process 760 (dig) at 0xe000000011a9a8e0:
 state: NORMAL
 uid: 0  gids: 0
 parent: pid 759 at 0xe000000011b64000
 arguments: dig
 threads: 1
100073                   Run     CPU 1                       dig
db> thread 100073
[ thread pid 760 tid 100073 ]
cpu_set_upcall+0x190:   [M0]    ld8 r14=[r14] ;;
db> bt
Tracing pid 760 tid 100073 td 0xe000000011a9f9e0
cpu_set_upcall(0xe000000011a9e8a0, 0xe000000011a9f9e0, 0xa0000000f87ab780, 0xa0000000f87ab550) at cpu_set_upcall+0x190
create_thread(0xe000000011a9f9e0, 0x0, 0x1209a7090, 0x120c04800, 0x7fffffffff9fe000, 0x200000, 0x12039c200, 0x120c04800) at create_thread+0x1c0
kern_thr_new(0xe000000011a9f9e0, 0xa0000000f872b330, 0x9ffc000000436360) at kern_thr_new+0x100
sys_thr_new(0xe000000011a9f9e0, 0xa0000000f872b4e8, 0x9ffc0000008c6bf0, 0x48d) at sys_thr_new+0xa0
syscall(0xe000000011a9a8e0, 0xa0000000f872b3a8, 0x120c0442c, 0xe000000011a9f9e0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x9ffc0000008c2ec0, 0x8) at syscall+0x550
epc_syscall_return() at epc_syscall_return

Please advise

Anton Shterenlikht
Room 2.6, Queen's Building
Mech Eng Dept
Bristol University
University Walk, Bristol BS8 1TR, UK
Tel: +44 (0)117 331 5944
Fax: +44 (0)117 929 4423

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