Installation Problem - 8.0

Mister Itanium itanium.user at
Fri Mar 12 00:53:20 UTC 2010

I'm not sure if I should start another email chain or not, but now I'm
having problems at the Installation...

It pretty much says *"no disks found! Please verify that your disk
controller is being properly probed at boot time. See the hardware guide on
the Documentation menu for clues on diagnosing this type of problem."*

This is the "boot -v" until the installation point:

My motherboard is a SuperMicro i2dml-ig2 ( )
I've searched online, and changed all the settings possible @ Bios, but I'm
still getting the same problem.
Please Advise,

-^H\^HEntering /boot/kernel/kernel at 0xe000000004080000...

PAL Proc at 0xe00000007ff08010
SAL Proc at 0xe00000007ff48020, GP at 0xe0000000801712c0
SAL: AP wake-up vector: 0xf0
Platform clock frequency 199475857 Hz
Processor ratio 14/2, Bus ratio 1/1, ITC ratio 14/2
ptc.e base=0x0, count1=1, count2=1, stride1=0x0, stride2=0x0
Processor supports 24 Region ID bits
Trying VHPT size 0x1000000
Putting VHPT at 0x6000000
Splitting [0x560c000-0x7fb40000]
Copyright (c) 1992-2009 The FreeBSD Project.
Copyright (c) 1979, 1980, 1983, 1986, 1988, 1989, 1991, 1992, 1993, 1994
        The Regents of the University of California. All rights reserved.
FreeBSD is a registered trademark of The FreeBSD Foundation.
FreeBSD 8.0-RELEASE #0: Sun Nov 22 01:11:28 UTC 2009
    root at
UNWIND: table added: base=e000000004000000, start=e000000004bbb060,
Preloaded elf kernel "/boot/kernel/kernel" at 0xe000000005608580.
Preloaded mfs_root "/boot/mfsroot" at 0xe000000005608660.
CPU: Madison (1396.33-Mhz Itanium 2)
  Origin = "GenuineIntel"  Revision = 5
  Features = 0x1<LB>
real memory  = 4282097664 (4083 MB)
Physical memory chunk(s):
0x01900000 - 0x03ffffff, 40894464 bytes (4992 pages)
0x0560c000 - 0x05ffffff, 10436608 bytes (1274 pages)
0x0a000000 - 0x7fb3ffff, 1974730752 bytes (241056 pages)
0x7ff7c000 - 0x7ff81fff, 24576 bytes (3 pages)
0x180000000 - 0x1fb455fff, 2068144128 bytes (252459 pages)
0x1feffe000 - 0x1ff453fff, 4546560 bytes (555 pages)
0x1ff802000 - 0x1ff8fdfff, 1032192 bytes (126 pages)
0x1ff900000 - 0x1ff905fff, 24576 bytes (3 pages)
0x1ff9fe000 - 0x1ffd63fff, 3563520 bytes (435 pages)
0x1ffdfe000 - 0x1ffe0ffff, 73728 bytes (9 pages)
0x1ffe7e000 - 0x1fffb7fff, 1286144 bytes (157 pages)
avail memory = 4084006912 (3894 MB)
FPSWA Revision = 0x10012, Entry = 0xe0000001ffe60050
Table 'FACP' at 0xe00000007ff99138
Table 'APIC' at 0xe00000007ff99230
        Local APIC address=0xfee00000
        Local SAPIC entry
                ProcessorId=0x0, Id=0xc0, Eid=0x18
        Local SAPIC entry
                ProcessorId=0x1, Id=0xc6, Eid=0x18
        I/O SAPIC entry
                Id=0x0, InterruptBase=0x0, Address=0xfec00000
        I/O SAPIC entry
                Id=0x2, InterruptBase=0x18, Address=0xfaffe000
        I/O SAPIC entry
                Id=0x1, InterruptBase=0x30, Address=0xfafff000
        Interrupt source override entry
                Bus=0, Source=9, Irq=0x9
        Platform interrupt entry
                Polarity=3, TriggerMode=3, Id=0xc6, Eid=0x18, Vector=0x1e,
Table 'IPPT' at 0xe00000007ff99308
Table 'SPCR' at 0xe00000007ff99340
MCA: allocated 16384 bytes for state info.
SMP: waking up cpu1
FreeBSD/SMP: Multiprocessor System Detected: 2 CPUs
cpu0: ACPI Id=1, SAPIC Id=c6, SAPIC Eid=18 (BSP)
cpu1: ACPI Id=0, SAPIC Id=c0, SAPIC Eid=18
ULE: setup cpu 0
ULE: setup cpu 1
mem: <memory>
null: <null device, zero device>
nfslock: pseudo-device
random: <entropy source, Software, Yarrow>
ACPI: RSDP 0x7ff99000 00024 (v2 AMI   )
ACPI: XSDT 0x7ff99090 00044 (v1 AMI    TIGER_2W 01072002 MSFT 00010013)
ACPI: FACP 0x7ff99138 000F4 (v3 AMI    TIGER_2W 01072002 MSFT 00010013)
ACPI: DSDT 0x7ff9b000 0220E (v1   AMI   TIGER2W 00000000 MSFT 0100000D)
ACPI: FACS 0x7ff992c0 00040
ACPI: APIC 0x7ff99230 0008E (v1 AMI    TIGER_2W 01072002 MSFT 00010013)
ACPI: IPPT 0x7ff99308 00034 (v1 AMI    TIGER_2W 01072002 MSFT 00010013)
ACPI: SPCR 0x7ff99340 00050 (v1 AMI    TIGER_2W 01072002 MSFT 00010013)
nexus0: registered as a time-of-day clock (resolution 1000us)
acpi0: <AMI TIGER_2W> on motherboard
acpi0: [MPSAFE]
acpi0: [ITHREAD]
acpi0: Power Button (fixed)
AcpiOsDerivePciId: \_SB_.CSFF.IOH5.IOHC -> bus 255 dev 28 func 5
AcpiOsDerivePciId: \_SB_.CSFF.IOH1.IO01 -> bus 255 dev 28 func 1
AcpiOsDerivePciId: \_SB_.CSFF.IOH2.IO02 -> bus 255 dev 28 func 2
ACPI timer: 1/1 1/1 1/1 1/1 1/1 1/1 1/1 1/1 1/1 1/1 -> 10
Timecounter "ACPI-fast" frequency 3579545 Hz quality 1000
acpi_timer0: <24-bit timer at 3.579545MHz> port 0xc08-0xc0b on acpi0
pcib0: <ACPI Host-PCI bridge> on acpi0
pci0: <ACPI PCI bus> on pcib0
pci0: domain=0, physical bus=0
found-> vendor=0x8086, dev=0x244e, revid=0x82
        domain=0, bus=0, slot=30, func=0
        class=06-04-00, hdrtype=0x01, mfdev=0
        cmdreg=0x0147, statreg=0x0080, cachelnsz=0 (dwords)
        lattimer=0x00 (0 ns), mingnt=0x0b (2750 ns), maxlat=0x00 (0 ns)
found-> vendor=0x8086, dev=0x24c0, revid=0x02
        domain=0, bus=0, slot=31, func=0
        class=06-01-00, hdrtype=0x00, mfdev=1
        cmdreg=0x010f, statreg=0x0280, cachelnsz=0 (dwords)
        lattimer=0x00 (0 ns), mingnt=0x00 (0 ns), maxlat=0x00 (0 ns)
found-> vendor=0x8086, dev=0x24cb, revid=0x02
        domain=0, bus=0, slot=31, func=1
        class=01-01-8a, hdrtype=0x00, mfdev=0
        cmdreg=0x0005, statreg=0x0280, cachelnsz=0 (dwords)
        lattimer=0x00 (0 ns), mingnt=0x00 (0 ns), maxlat=0x00 (0 ns)
        intpin=a, irq=0
        map[20]: type I/O Port, range 32, base 0x1000, size  4, enabled
        map[24]: type Memory, range 32, base 0, size 10, memory disabled
pcib0: no PRT entry for 0.31.INTA
found-> vendor=0x8086, dev=0x24c3, revid=0x02
        domain=0, bus=0, slot=31, func=3
        class=0c-05-00, hdrtype=0x00, mfdev=0
        cmdreg=0x0001, statreg=0x0280, cachelnsz=0 (dwords)
        lattimer=0x00 (0 ns), mingnt=0x00 (0 ns), maxlat=0x00 (0 ns)
        intpin=b, irq=0
        map[20]: type I/O Port, range 32, base 0xcc0, size  5, enabled
pcib0: no PRT entry for 0.31.INTB
pcib1: <ACPI PCI-PCI bridge> at device 30.0 on pci0
pcib1:   domain            0
pcib1:   secondary bus     1
pcib1:   subordinate bus   1
pcib1:   I/O decode        0xd000-0xdfff
pcib1:   memory decode     0xfb000000-0xfd0fffff
pcib1:   no prefetched decode
pcib1:   Subtractively decoded bridge.
pci1: <ACPI PCI bus> on pcib1
pci1: domain=0, physical bus=1
found-> vendor=0x1002, dev=0x4752, revid=0x27
        domain=0, bus=1, slot=2, func=0
        class=03-00-00, hdrtype=0x00, mfdev=0
        cmdreg=0x0087, statreg=0x0290, cachelnsz=32 (dwords)
        lattimer=0x40 (1920 ns), mingnt=0x08 (2000 ns), maxlat=0x00 (0 ns)
        intpin=a, irq=11
        powerspec 2  supports D0 D1 D2 D3  current D0
        map[10]: type Memory, range 32, base 0xfc000000, size 24, enabled
pcib1: requested memory range 0xfc000000-0xfcffffff: good
        map[14]: type I/O Port, range 32, base 0xd800, size  8, enabled
pcib1: requested I/O range 0xd800-0xd8ff: in range
        map[18]: type Memory, range 32, base 0xfd0ff000, size 12, enabled
pcib1: requested memory range 0xfd0ff000-0xfd0fffff: good
pcib1: matched entry for 1.2.INTA
pcib1: slot 2 INTA hardwired to IRQ 18
vgapci0: <VGA-compatible display> port 0xd800-0xd8ff mem
0xfc000000-0xfcffffff,0xfd0ff000-0xfd0fffff irq 18 at device 2.0 on pci1
pci0: <bridge, PCI-ISA> at device 31.0 (no driver attached)
atapci0: <Intel ICH4 UDMA100 controller> port
0x1f0-0x1f7,0x3f6,0x170-0x177,0x376,0x1000-0x100f irq 0 at device 31.1 on
atapci0: Reserved 0x10 bytes for rid 0x20 type 4 at 0x1000
ata0: <ATA channel 0> on atapci0
atapci0: Reserved 0x8 bytes for rid 0x10 type 4 at 0x1f0
atapci0: Reserved 0x1 bytes for rid 0x14 type 4 at 0x3f6
ata0: reset tp1 mask=03 ostat0=00 ostat1=50
ata0: stat0=0x01 err=0x01 lsb=0x01 msb=0x01
ata0: stat1=0x01 err=0x01 lsb=0x01 msb=0x01
ata0: reset tp2 stat0=01 stat1=01 devices=0x0
ata0: [MPSAFE]
ata0: [ITHREAD]
ata1: <ATA channel 1> on atapci0
atapci0: Reserved 0x8 bytes for rid 0x18 type 4 at 0x170
atapci0: Reserved 0x1 bytes for rid 0x1c type 4 at 0x376
ata1: reset tp1 mask=03 ostat0=50 ostat1=01
ata1: stat0=0x00 err=0x01 lsb=0x14 msb=0xeb
ata1: stat1=0x01 err=0x04 lsb=0x00 msb=0x00
ata1: reset tp2 stat0=00 stat1=01 devices=0x10000
ata1: [MPSAFE]
ata1: [ITHREAD]
pci0: <serial bus, SMBus> at device 31.3 (no driver attached)
pcib2: <ACPI Host-PCI bridge> on acpi0
pcib2: could not get PCI interrupt routing table for \_SB_.PCI1 -
pci2: <ACPI PCI bus> on pcib2
pci2: domain=0, physical bus=2
found-> vendor=0x8086, dev=0x1461, revid=0x04
        domain=0, bus=2, slot=28, func=0
        class=08-00-20, hdrtype=0x00, mfdev=0
        cmdreg=0x0106, statreg=0x0030, cachelnsz=0 (dwords)
        lattimer=0x00 (0 ns), mingnt=0x00 (0 ns), maxlat=0x00 (0 ns)
        map[10]: type Memory, range 32, base 0xfafff000, size 12, enabled
found-> vendor=0x8086, dev=0x1460, revid=0x04
        domain=0, bus=2, slot=29, func=0
        class=06-04-00, hdrtype=0x01, mfdev=0
        cmdreg=0x0147, statreg=0x0030, cachelnsz=32 (dwords)
        lattimer=0x40 (1920 ns), mingnt=0x03 (750 ns), maxlat=0x00 (0 ns)
found-> vendor=0x8086, dev=0x1461, revid=0x04
        domain=0, bus=2, slot=30, func=0
        class=08-00-20, hdrtype=0x00, mfdev=0
        cmdreg=0x0106, statreg=0x0030, cachelnsz=0 (dwords)
        lattimer=0x00 (0 ns), mingnt=0x00 (0 ns), maxlat=0x00 (0 ns)
        map[10]: type Memory, range 32, base 0xfaffe000, size 12, enabled
found-> vendor=0x8086, dev=0x1460, revid=0x04
        domain=0, bus=2, slot=31, func=0
        class=06-04-00, hdrtype=0x01, mfdev=0
        cmdreg=0x0147, statreg=0x0030, cachelnsz=32 (dwords)
        lattimer=0x40 (1920 ns), mingnt=0x03 (750 ns), maxlat=0x00 (0 ns)
pci2: <base peripheral, interrupt controller> at device 28.0 (no driver
pcib3: <ACPI PCI-PCI bridge> at device 29.0 on pci2
pcib3:   domain            0
pcib3:   secondary bus     3
pcib3:   subordinate bus   3
pcib3:   I/O decode        0xf000-0xffff
pcib3:   memory decode     0xfa000000-0xfa0fffff
pcib3:   no prefetched decode
pci3: <ACPI PCI bus> on pcib3
pci3: domain=0, physical bus=3
found-> vendor=0x8086, dev=0x1010, revid=0x01
        domain=0, bus=3, slot=2, func=0
        class=02-00-00, hdrtype=0x00, mfdev=1
        cmdreg=0x0117, statreg=0x0230, cachelnsz=32 (dwords)
        lattimer=0x40 (1920 ns), mingnt=0xff (63750 ns), maxlat=0x00 (0 ns)
        intpin=a, irq=3
        powerspec 2  supports D0 D3  current D0
        MSI supports 1 message, 64 bit
        map[10]: type Memory, range 64, base 0xfa0c0000, size 17, enabled
pcib3: requested memory range 0xfa0c0000-0xfa0dffff: good
        map[20]: type I/O Port, range 32, base 0xfe80, size  6, enabled
pcib3: requested I/O range 0xfe80-0xfebf: in range
pcib3: matched entry for 3.2.INTA
pcib3: slot 2 INTA hardwired to IRQ 48
found-> vendor=0x8086, dev=0x1010, revid=0x01
        domain=0, bus=3, slot=2, func=1
        class=02-00-00, hdrtype=0x00, mfdev=1
        cmdreg=0x0117, statreg=0x0230, cachelnsz=32 (dwords)
        lattimer=0x40 (1920 ns), mingnt=0xff (63750 ns), maxlat=0x00 (0 ns)
        intpin=b, irq=3
        powerspec 2  supports D0 D3  current D0
        MSI supports 1 message, 64 bit
        map[10]: type Memory, range 64, base 0xfa0e0000, size 17, enabled
pcib3: requested memory range 0xfa0e0000-0xfa0fffff: good
        map[20]: type I/O Port, range 32, base 0xff00, size  6, enabled
pcib3: requested I/O range 0xff00-0xff3f: in range
pcib3: matched entry for 3.2.INTB
pcib3: slot 2 INTB hardwired to IRQ 49
em0: <Intel(R) PRO/1000 Network Connection 6.9.14> port 0xfe80-0xfebf mem
0xfa0c0000-0xfa0dffff irq 48 at device 2.0 on pci3
em0: Reserved 0x20000 bytes for rid 0x10 type 3 at 0xfa0c0000
em0: Reserved 0x40 bytes for rid 0x20 type 4 at 0xfe80
em0: [FILTER]
em0: bpf attached
em0: Ethernet address: 00:30:48:20:f6:2a
em1: <Intel(R) PRO/1000 Network Connection 6.9.14> port 0xff00-0xff3f mem
0xfa0e0000-0xfa0fffff irq 49 at device 2.1 on pci3
em1: Reserved 0x20000 bytes for rid 0x10 type 3 at 0xfa0e0000
em1: Reserved 0x40 bytes for rid 0x20 type 4 at 0xff00
em1: [FILTER]
em1: bpf attached
em1: Ethernet address: 00:30:48:20:f6:2b
pci2: <base peripheral, interrupt controller> at device 30.0 (no driver
pcib4: <ACPI PCI-PCI bridge> at device 31.0 on pci2
pcib4:   domain            0
pcib4:   secondary bus     4
pcib4:   subordinate bus   4
pcib4:   I/O decode        0xf000-0xfff
pcib4:   no prefetched decode
pci4: <ACPI PCI bus> on pcib4
pci4: domain=0, physical bus=4
uart0: <16550 or compatible> port 0x3f8-0x3ff irq 4 on acpi0
uart0: [FILTER]
uart0: fast interrupt
uart0: console (115200,n,8,1)
cpu0: <ACPI CPU> on acpi0
cpu0: switching to generic Cx mode
cpu1: <ACPI CPU> on acpi0
Reducing kern.maxvnodes 131431 -> 100000
procfs registered
Timecounters tick every 1.000 msec
lo0: bpf attached
ata0: Identifying devices: 00000000
ata0: New devices: 00000000
ata1: Identifying devices: 00010000
ata1: New devices: 00010000
md0: Preloaded image </boot/mfsroot> 8388608 bytes at 0xe000000004e08580
ata1-master: pio=PIO4 wdma=WDMA2 udma=UDMA33 cable=40 wire
acd0: setting PIO4 on ICH4 chip
acd0: setting UDMA33 on ICH4 chip
acd0: <CD-224E/1.9A> CDROM drive at ata1 as master
acd0: read 4134KB/s (4134KB/s), 128KB buffer, UDMA33
acd0: Reads: CDR, CDRW, CDDA stream, packet
acd0: Writes:
acd0: Audio: play, 256 volume levels
acd0: Mechanism: ejectable tray, unlocked
acd0: Medium: CD-ROM 120mm data disc
ATA PseudoRAID loaded
acd0: FAILURE - READ_BIG MEDIUM ERROR asc=0x11 ascq=0x00
acd0: FAILURE - READ_BIG MEDIUM ERROR asc=0x11 ascq=0x00
Trying to mount root from ufs:/dev/md0
ct_to_ts([2010-03-12 00:24:18]) = 1268353458.000000000
start_init: trying /sbin/init
start_init: trying /sbin/oinit
start_init: trying /sbin/init.bak
start_init: trying /rescue/init
start_init: trying /stand/sysinstall
/stand/sysinstall running as init on serial console

These are the predefined terminal types available to
sysinstall when running stand-alone.  Please choose the
closest match for your particular terminal.

1 ...................... Standard ANSI terminal.
2 ...................... VT100 or compatible terminal.
3 ...................... FreeBSD system console (color).
4 ...................... FreeBSD system console (monochrome).

5 ...................... xterm terminal emulator.

Your choice: (1-5)

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