virtually no free memory left on buildworld

Anton Shterenlikht mexas at
Wed Jul 29 17:24:40 UTC 2009

I just installed new 4GB RAM in ia64 rx2600 box.
On make -j8 buildworld I see with "top -PISu":

last pid: 69791;  load averages:  8.42,  8.44,  8.59    up 0+02:04:49  18:18:17
154 processes: 11 running, 125 sleeping, 18 waiting
CPU 0: 88.8% user,  0.0% nice, 11.0% system,  0.1% interrupt,  0.0% idle
CPU 1: 92.5% user,  0.0% nice,  7.4% system,  0.0% interrupt,  0.0% idle
Mem: 856M Active, 2414M Inact, 492M Wired, 136M Cache, 417M Buf, 17M Free
Swap: 2048M Total, 2048M Free

63039      0      1 102    0   455M   452M RUN     1   3:14 31.49% cc1
69612      0      1 101    0 71760K 69288K RUN     1   0:06 25.88% cc1
69449      0      1 101    0   103M   101M RUN     0   0:11 24.46% cc1
69437      0      1 101    0   115M   113M RUN     0   0:11 23.88% cc1
69626      0      1 100    0 66688K 64760K RUN     0   0:05 20.36% cc1
69774      0      1  96    0 23072K 21336K RUN     0   0:00  4.69% cc1
69775      0      1  70    0  4296K  2984K piperd  0   0:00  0.20% as
69772      0      1  76    0  6280K  2896K wait    1   0:00  0.10% sh
69773      0      1  76    0  2248K   968K wait    1   0:00  0.10% cc
69784      0      1  96    0 19104K 16872K CPU1    1   0:00  0.00% cc1
69785      0      1  76    0  4296K  2968K piperd  1   0:00  0.00% as

Is it normal that there is virtually no free memory left, while there
are 2GB of inactive memory?

many thanks

Anton Shterenlikht
Room 2.6, Queen's Building
Mech Eng Dept
Bristol University
University Walk, Bristol BS8 1TR, UK
Tel: +44 (0)117 928 8233 
Fax: +44 (0)117 929 4423

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