FreeBSD 6.2 on the HP i2000

Marcel Moolenaar xcllnt at
Sun Jul 15 03:26:31 UTC 2007

On Jul 14, 2007, at 7:37 PM, pierrelaroche wrote:

> 1) Can I use ddb and kgdb to debug kernel code, as I have been able  
> to do on
> the x86 platform? Is that functionality expected to work on the IA64?

Yes, basically.

> 2) My machine has a single serial port, which is used by the console.
> Therefore, I am assuming a need to add a PCI serial board to get a  
> debug
> port on both Itanium machines used for debugging. Is this assumption
> correct?

It is possible to have the debug port the same as the console port,
but it's only possible in FreeBSD-current. I'm not sure if it's in
FreeBSD-stable. In any case, set hw.uart.dbgport the same as


Marcel Moolenaar
xcllnt at

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