Syscalls and RSE

Christian Kandeler christian.kandeler at
Mon Jul 2 08:20:11 UTC 2007

On Friday 29 June 2007 18:42, Marcel Moolenaar wrote:

> You misunderstand the point I was trying to make. While it's not
> a good thing to clobber the ar.rnat register, it's a good thing
> that clobbering it causes the process to fail for it means that
> exit out of the kernel through the epc_syscall code path will
> indeed restore the ar.rnat register that was clobbered on entry.
> It simply means that the kernel exit is correct.

I was taking that for granted ;)

> > The way I see it, the code right now either
> > 	a) wrongly assumes RNAT is preserved by the backing store switch
> > or b) wrongly assumes RNAT does not need to be preserved.
> Both. If A then B :-)

Well, I meant b) as "RNAT gets clobbered, but it doesn't matter". 
Which I think would actually be true if we didn't advance BSPSTORE.

Christian Kandeler

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