ia64/81284: Unaligned Reference with pf on 5.4/IA64

Petri Simolin petrisimolin at petrisimolin.FreeBSD.ORG
Thu May 19 23:50:03 GMT 2005

>Number:         81284
>Category:       ia64
>Synopsis:       Unaligned Reference with pf on 5.4/IA64
>Confidential:   no
>Severity:       serious
>Priority:       low
>Responsible:    freebsd-ia64
>State:          open
>Class:          sw-bug
>Submitter-Id:   current-users
>Arrival-Date:   Thu May 19 23:50:01 GMT 2005
>Originator:     Petri Simolin
>Release:        5.4 / IA64
FreeBSD  5.4-RELEASE FreeBSD 5.4-RELEASE #5: Thu May 12 17:17:50 UTC 2005     root@:/usr/obj/usr/src/sys/FIREWALL  ia64

HP rx2600
I have compiled bridge and pf in kernel. I configure and enable bridge. Then I enable pf with minimal set of rules (block all). After few seconds with really low traffic, kernel panics with following information:

fatal kernel trap (cpu 0):

    trap vector = 0x1e (Unaligned Reference)
    cr.iip      = 0xe000000004104930
    cr.ipsr     = 0x1210080a6018 (ac,mfl,ic,i,dt,dfh,rt,cpl=0,it,ri=1,bn)
    cr.isr      = 0x20400000000 (code=0,vector=0,r,ei=1)
    cr.ifa      = 0xe00000003d03566e
    curthread   = 0xe00000003e700c80
        pid = 12, comm = swi1: net

[thread pid 12 tid 100005 ]
Stopped at      pf_addrcpy+0xa1:        [M1]    ld4 r14=[r33]

I have tried with several different network-drivers.
On IA64 hardware, Compile kernel with BRIDGE and pf. Configure and enable bridge. Enable pf and generate some traffic thru bridge.

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