FreeBSD/i386 lockups with Xorg & Radeon cards

jason henson jason at
Tue May 10 20:07:27 PDT 2005

Sean Davis wrote:

>Hello, first let me enumerate the hardware I've seen this happen on:
>1) Athlon XP 2700+
>   1GB DDR333
>   ATI Radeon 9200 AGP8X w/ 128MB
>2) Athlon XP 2200+
>   1GB DDR333
>   ATI Radeon 7000 AGP4X w/ 32MB
>   ATI Radeon 7500 PCI w/ 32MB
>3) Athlon XP 2200+
>   1GB DDR333
>   NVidia GeForce4 AGP8X (I think) w/ 32MB
>   ATI Radeon 7500 PCI w/ 32MB RAM
>On machine #2 (which is also machine #3), I'm trying to do a dual-head setup.
>Currently the primary video card is an AGP Geforce4. But that doesn't seem
>to matter.
>On all of these setups (9200, 7000, 7500) xorgcfg hardlocks the machine. No
>matter what I do.
>Xorg works just fine in Linux on the same hardware. (but no dual-head, despite
>config hacking, however that is a discussion for elsewhere)
>XFree86 4.5.0 under NetBSD works just fine with every Radeon on this list.
>Hence, I'm left to conclude that it's a combination of Xorg and FreeBSD -
>Windows works, NetBSD works, Linux works. I've tried both 5.3-RELEASE and
>5.4-RELEASE, both of them die just as well.
>I *REALLY* want to get rid of windows on machine #2/#3, but it's simply not
>an option without a usable dual-headed desktop setup, as that is my work
>machine. However, if I can't even get xorgcfg to run without the machine
>needing a three finger salute, it's simply out of the question. I can't run
>NetBSD or OpenBSD on it, because I need something that I can deploy quickly,
>with up-to-date binary packages, something that neither NetBSD nor OpenBSD
>Does anyone have any insights to this problem? Please respond directly, I am
>not subscribed to either freebsd-ia32 or freebsd-questions.
>freebsd-questions at mailing list
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Do you have an nforce chipset on the motherboard?  I do and I have never 
had any version of x to work with dri on a radeon.  So disable dri if it 
is on and try again. 

Also are you getting any error messages?  You can check /var/run for the 
x logs from the last running of x. 

Does x lock after the startx command, or randomly later on while you are 
using x?

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