Cross compiling FreeBSD

Andrew Hotlab andrew.hotlab at
Sat Jan 17 04:07:07 PST 2009

> From: andrew.hotlab at
> Date: Sat, 17 Jan 2009 01:25:53 +0000
>> On Fri, 16 Jan 2009, Andrew Hotlab wrote:
>>> Sorry for my stupid question: I'll do the right thing if I'll build an i386 jail chroot/jail on the
>>> amd64 builder host with the following commands? (grabbed from the FreeBSD Handbook)
>>> # cd /usr/src
>>> # make buildworld TARGET=i386
>>> # make installworld TARGET=i386 DESTDIR=/path-to-jail
>>> # cd etc/
>>> # make distribution DESTDIR=/path-to-jail
>>> # mount -t devfs devfs /path-to-jail/dev
>> yes that should do it but I think you can skip the cd etc/ part.
>> make distribution should work from /usr/src
I missed to write that the sequence of commands that I had to issue in order to create the
i386 jail was a little different from what I wrote yesterday. I had to issue the following
command to successfully make distribution:
# make distribution TARGET=i386 DESTDIR=/path-to-jail



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