Installing FreeBSD 7.1 from a DOS partition

Bibudh Lahiri bibudh at
Sat Apr 25 17:35:55 UTC 2009

   I'm trying to install FreeBSD 7.1 on the D: drive of my Windows XP
machine. I've FTPed the entire content of to my D: drive.
Section 2.13.4 ("Installing from an MS-DOS® Partition") of the following

says "the BIN distribution is the only one required for a minimum
installation." Can someone explain what the BIN distribution is and where is
it located on the FTP server?

   I do not see any BIN folder in the contents I downloaded. Moreover, I
read from the following URL

   that once I've copied the directories, I can simply launch the
installation from floppies as normal and select "DOS" as my media type when
the time comes. But changing the boot option to "Floppy Drive" makes the
boot fail.

    Any suggestion?
   Thanks in advance

Bibudh Lahiri
Graduate Research Assistant
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
Iowa State University

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