i386/122008: Fdisk fails. Cannot install 7.0 Release on P5VD2-MX with Maxtor PATA

Bruce Cran bruce at cran.org.uk
Tue Mar 25 22:20:02 UTC 2008

The following reply was made to PR i386/122008; it has been noted by GNATS.

From: Bruce Cran <bruce at cran.org.uk>
To: bug-followup at FreeBSD.org, christophe.cap at gmail.com
Subject: Re: i386/122008: Fdisk fails. Cannot install 7.0 Release on P5VD2-MX
 with Maxtor PATA
Date: Tue, 25 Mar 2008 22:15:20 +0000

 I've seen something similar on my system with 7.0 where I was using a 
 UDMA33 cable but FreeBSD was setting the controller up to use UDMA100. 
 Even if you are using 40 pin cables it might be worth trying to run in 
 UDMA33 mode to see if that helps - you can set the mode using atacontrol.
 To track down the problem we're going to need more information about the 
 hardware - could you post the dmesg from a verbose boot (boot -v) please?

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