about send-pr i386-125011

Remko Lodder remko at FreeBSD.org
Sun Jun 29 14:00:15 UTC 2008

Satoshi Kimura wrote:
>  How do you do.
> My name is Satoshi Kimura, one user of FreeBSD.
> I sent send-pr, and
> http://www.freebsd.org/cgi/query-pr.cgi?pr=125011
> was generated.
>  But, probably by my mistake, my mail address was broken,
> Please modify it to "satosi.kimura at nifty.com".
> Sincerely yours.
>                      Satoshi Kimura  (satosi.kimura at nifty.com)

I believe this had been fixed moments ago by me..


/"\   Best regards,                      | remko at FreeBSD.org
\ /   Remko Lodder                       | remko at EFnet
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