i386/126096: bind patch/upgrade

gavin at FreeBSD.org gavin at FreeBSD.org
Wed Jul 30 14:49:30 UTC 2008

Synopsis: bind patch/upgrade

State-Changed-From-To: open->closed
State-Changed-By: gavin
State-Changed-When: Wed Jul 30 14:16:52 UTC 2008
To submitter:  Firstly, It appears that you are not running FreeBSD,
but BSD/OS 4.2.  These are different operating systems, and as a
result I do not know how you would go about solving your problems
with BIND on BSD/OS.  However, I do know that support for BSD/OS
stopped in 2004, so you should probably consider moving any BSD/OS
servers away from BSD/OS, and not just upgrading BIND on them, as
there are likely to be other serious issues with them.

If your question is "How can I move these servers onto a secure
version of FreeBSD", then that is a hard question to answer without
knowing what the servers do.  You will find the FreeBSD website and
handbook very detailed on how to install and configure FreeBSD, and
there is lots of documentation around about how to configure BIND.
After you install 7.0-RELEASE you will still need to patch the
server before it is secure, but that is easly done with freebsd-update.

Also note that the minimum version of BIND that you need to be secure
is 9.4.2-P1, and not 9.4.1-P1 as you stated in your question.

Hope that helps,


Responsible-Changed-From-To: freebsd-i386->gavin
Responsible-Changed-By: gavin
Responsible-Changed-When: Wed Jul 30 14:16:52 UTC 2008


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