i386/125843: [boot] 'load' followed by 'boot' of missing file
causes panic
Bruce Cran
bruce at cran.org.uk
Mon Jul 21 21:50:12 UTC 2008
>Number: 125843
>Category: i386
>Synopsis: [boot] 'load' followed by 'boot' of missing file causes panic
>Confidential: no
>Severity: non-critical
>Priority: low
>Responsible: freebsd-i386
>State: open
>Class: sw-bug
>Submitter-Id: current-users
>Arrival-Date: Mon Jul 21 21:50:11 UTC 2008
>Originator: Bruce Cran
>Release: 7.0-p1
FreeBSD gluon.draftnet 7.0-RELEASE-p1 FreeBSD 7.0-RELEASE-p1 #0: Sat May 17 22:56:30 BST 2008 brucec at gluon.draftnet:/usr/obj/usr/src/sys/GENERIC i386
Trying to load _or_ boot a missing kernel results in the message "can't find <name>". However, if you try to "load" then "boot" the missing file or vice versa the system panics:
OK load abc
can't find 'abc'
OK boot abc
Consoles: internal video/keyboard
BIOS drive A: is disk0
BIOS drive C: is disk1
BIOS drive D: is disk2
BIOS drive E: is disk3
BIOS 639kB/1047488kB available memory
FreeBSD/i386 bootstrap loader, Revision 1.1
(brucec at gluon.draftnet, Thu May 8 21:54:48 BST 2008)
Can't work out which disk we are booting from.
Guessed BIOS device 0xffffffff not found by probes, defaulting to disk0:
panic: free: guard1 fail @ 0x5c4ec from /usr/src/sys/boot/i386/loader/../../common/module.c:959
--> Press a key on the console to reboot <--
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