i386/90519: [ata] Resume after suspend results in g_vfs_done() errors and eventual panic.

gavin at FreeBSD.org gavin at FreeBSD.org
Sun Jan 27 07:41:51 PST 2008

Old Synopsis: Resume after suspend results in g_vfs_done() errors and eventual panic.
New Synopsis: [ata] Resume after suspend results in g_vfs_done() errors and eventual panic.

State-Changed-From-To: open->feedback
State-Changed-By: gavin
State-Changed-When: Sun Jan 27 15:38:13 UTC 2008
To submitter:  it sounds like you are losing your ATA controller over
the suspend, so the machine is waking up without any filesystems
available.  Can you test to see if iyou still see this issue with a more
recent version of FreeBSD (6.3 or 7.0 if possible)?  Can you also please
confirm that you only have filesystems mounted from the hard drive, and
not (eg) USB keys?  Lastly, are any messages printed to the console other
than the g_vfs_done messages, relating to the resume?

Responsible-Changed-From-To: freebsd-i386->gavin
Responsible-Changed-By: gavin
Responsible-Changed-When: Sun Jan 27 15:38:13 UTC 2008


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