i386/120872: fstat exit on signall 11
Dmitry Andrianov
666.root at gmail.com
Wed Feb 20 16:20:05 UTC 2008
The following reply was made to PR i386/120872; it has been noted by GNATS.
From: Dmitry Andrianov <666.root at gmail.com>
To: bug-followup at FreeBSD.org
Subject: Re: i386/120872: fstat exit on signall 11
Date: Wed, 20 Feb 2008 19:14:42 +0300
Volker пиÑеÑ:
> On 02/20/08 16:33, Dmitry Andrianov wrote:
>> Possibly, followings lines to you it will be helped something:
>> root at zingel:~$ fstat -M test.c
>> Segmentation fault: 11
>> root at zingel:~$ ls -al test.c
>> -rw-r--r-- 1 root wheel 142B Jan 30 14:13 test.c
>> root at zingel:~$ perl -e "print 'A' x45" > test1.c
>> root at zingel:~$ fstat -M test1.c
>> Segmentation fault: 11
>> root at zingel:~$ ls -la test1.c
>> -rw-r--r-- 1 root wheel 142B Feb 20 17:53 test1.c
>> root at zingel:~$ cat > test2.c
>> ^C
>> root at zingel:~$ fstat -M test2.c
>> fstat: cannot read IdlePTD
>> root at zingel:~$ ls -la test2.c
>> -rw-r--r-- 1 root wheel 11B Feb 20 17:55 test2.c
>> root at zingel:~$
> Dmitry,
> I still don't get the picutre. Can you try to explain what you are going
> to try? The -M parameter requires a core dump file to be given. If
> given, fstat tries to list you all opened files of a process at the time
> the process was getting killed.
> I agree, it's not nice to have it failing with a segfault but while
> looking at the code, I'm not quite sure if the error message can be
> changed easily.
> fstat needs to check if the file given as -M (core) is really a core
> dump file before it's getting processed. That's an extra sanity check
> that would be needed to suppress that message and fail with a better
> message earlier. I'll leave this to the developers if they'll implement
> that extra check and if it's possible to check that at all.
> PS: Please followup to the PR
I bequeathed already, but while why does not see to result. I will be at
home will write once again, if a result will be the same.
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