i386/112331: Checksum differs after download of cd 1 and cd 2
Version 6.2
Remko Lodder
remko at elvandar.org
Wed May 2 18:20:09 UTC 2007
The following reply was made to PR i386/112331; it has been noted by GNATS.
From: Remko Lodder <remko at elvandar.org>
To: Markus Doppler <mardop at balcab.ch>
Cc: freebsd-gnats-submit at FreeBSD.org
Subject: Re: i386/112331: Checksum differs after download of cd 1 and cd 2
Version 6.2
Date: Wed, 02 May 2007 20:13:31 +0200
Markus Doppler wrote:
>> Number: 112331
>> Category: i386
>> Synopsis: Checksum differs after download of cd 1 and cd 2 Version 6.2
>> Confidential: no
>> Severity: serious
>> Priority: low
>> Responsible: freebsd-i386
>> State: open
>> Quarter:
>> Keywords:
>> Date-Required:
>> Class: doc-bug
>> Submitter-Id: current-users
>> Arrival-Date: Tue May 01 22:00:11 GMT 2007
>> Closed-Date:
>> Last-Modified:
>> Originator: Markus Doppler
>> Release: 6.2
>> Organization:
>> Environment:
> none
>> Description:
> I download version 6.2 from ftp2.ch.freebsd.org, cd 1 and cd 2 and the md5 checksum file.
> Then I download checksum utility from Arpoon Checksum 1.5.0 and I have this utility calculate the checksums of the 2 cd.
> The result is totally different from what the page says in the Checksum.MD5 File.
> Then I deleted the iso image and downloaded it again. Twice I get an identical but different checksum...
> should I download the files from your site?
> Thanks
> Markus
>> How-To-Repeat:
> I downloaded the files twice and get twice same checksum that is different from the one in your Checksum.MD5 file
>> Fix:
Does this occur on ftp.freebsd.org as well? sometimes these things can
be caused by incomplete downloads or mirrors (one minor glitch can
change the md5 code).
That said; it's unwise to rely on just one host to determine whether
this is a problem or not; please consider using at least ftp.freebsd.org
as well and if possible also a third one (ftp3.freebsd.org or something
random) so that we can really exclude stuff there.
I also advise you to continue this on the Questions@ mailinglist which
you can find on
http://lists.freebsd.org/mailman/listinfo/freebsd-questions they will be
able to help and assist you much quicker since this is a very different
platform and not really a support platform.
Thank you for using FreeBSD and reporting this issue!
Kind regards,
Remko Lodder ** remko at elvandar.org
FreeBSD ** remko at FreeBSD.org
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