i386/104812: can't get to work SMBUS or simmilar method for getting thermal sensor data

Andris ghostks at inbox.lv
Wed Oct 25 10:40:21 PDT 2006

>Number:         104812
>Category:       i386
>Synopsis:       can't get to work SMBUS or simmilar method for getting thermal sensor data
>Confidential:   no
>Severity:       non-critical
>Priority:       medium
>Responsible:    freebsd-i386
>State:          open
>Class:          update
>Submitter-Id:   current-users
>Arrival-Date:   Wed Oct 25 17:40:19 GMT 2006
>Originator:     Andris
>Release:        RELEASE 6.1
FreeBSD asteroid 6.1-RELEASE-p10 FreeBSD 6.1-RELEASE-p10 #5: Tue Oct 24 21:59:06 UTC 2006     admin at asteroid:/usr/obj/usr/src/sys/PRODUCT  i386
I'm having Asus A7V880 motherboard (AthlonXp, KT880, VT8237) and can't get to work any thermal viewing and control program. I've tried mbmon, healtd, consolehm etc. Some don't work at all (NO HW SENSOR AVAILABLE or simmilar message) or showing constant temperature 255C. 

I'v tried to load smb/smbus/*pm modules - no effect, tried to recompile kernel with:
device smbus
device viapm
device smb
device iic
device ic
device iicbus
device iicbb
device iicsmb
no effect. Even NO /dev/smbX device present and 'dmesg | grep smb' or 'sysctl -a | grep thermal' shows nothing.
Then I found, that this south bridge is using 'VIA VT1211 LPC Super I/O' chip for I/O operations accordingly to thermal sensors and there is no driver support in BSD, so the systems do not understand it. But I found that driver for this chip was introduced in OpenBSD 3.8:
"Modified files: 
        sys/arch/i386/conf: GENERIC 
        sys/arch/amd64/conf: GENERIC 
        sys/dev/isa : files.isa 
        share/man/man4 : Makefile 
Added files: 
        sys/dev/isa : viasio.c viasioreg.h 
        share/man/man4 : viasio.4 
Log message: 
Add viasio(4), a driver for VIA VT1211 LPC Super I/O found on 
some VIA CPU based boards. The driver provides temperature, 
voltage and fan tachometers values through the sysctl interface. "

I've tried to port this driver to FreeBSD but no effect :( can't even compile kernel.
Is it possible to create/port such a driver in FreeBSD? It would be very popular, because I found a lot of simmilar problems on the net...

Write own VT1211 driver or port from the OpenBSD (viasio)

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