news good

Brittania Gravel gravelbritta at
Wed Mar 29 22:03:00 UTC 2006

De L ar Home Ow Y ner , 
Your cr E edit doesn't matter to us ! If you OW Q N real e B st Y at X e
and want IMMED p IAT S E c P ash to sp f end ANY way you like, or simply
to L W OWER your monthly p 6 ayments by a third or more, here are the
deal u s 
we have T d OD k AY : 
$48 c 8,000.00 at a 3.6 Y 7% fi N xed-rat a e 
$3 F 72,000.00 at a 3 q .90% vari F able-rat Y e 
$49 p 2,000.00 at a 3.2 O 1% inte K res 1 t-only 
$2 c 48,000.00 at a 3. j 36% f V ixed-ra i te 
$19 r 8,000.00 at a 3.5 j 5% vari J able-rat u e 
Hur w ry, when these dea l Is are gone, they are gone !
Don't worry about appro 6 val, your credi 4 t will not disqualif c y you
V j isit our sit X e <> 
Sincerely, Brittania Gravel
Approva Q l Manager

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