i386/99490: calendar reports error with calendar.australia

Shaun Branden shaun at pcuse.com
Mon Jun 26 13:00:41 UTC 2006

>Number:         99490
>Category:       i386
>Synopsis:       calendar reports error with calendar.australia
>Confidential:   no
>Severity:       non-critical
>Priority:       low
>Responsible:    freebsd-i386
>State:          open
>Class:          sw-bug
>Submitter-Id:   current-users
>Arrival-Date:   Mon Jun 26 13:00:32 GMT 2006
>Originator:     Shaun Branden
>Release:        FreeBSD 6.1-STABLE i386
System: FreeBSD sagan.cai 6.1-STABLE FreeBSD 6.1-STABLE #0: Mon Jun 26 21:22:43 CST 2006 shaun at sagan.cai:/usr/obj/usr/src/sys/SAGAN i386

including <calendar.australia> in the calendar config file results in
	In file included from <stdin>:1:
	/usr/share/calendar/calendar.australia:58: warning: no newline at end of file

Simply ending the file with a newline removes the error

	run calendar and include calendar.australia

*** /usr/share/calendar/calendar.australia      Mon Jun 26 22:03:53 2006
--- calendar.australia  Mon Jun 26 22:21:33 2006
*** 56,58 ****
--- 56,59 ----
  Aug 14        RNA Show Day (Brisbane metro)

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