i386/81235: /sys/i386/conf/GENERIC needs "options ASR_COMPAT" to
prevent panic on 5.x
Bruce Burden
brucegb at bga.com
Wed May 18 19:20:25 PDT 2005
>Number: 81235
>Category: i386
>Synopsis: /sys/i386/conf/GENERIC needs "options ASR_COMPAT" to prevent panic on 5.x
>Confidential: no
>Severity: serious
>Priority: high
>Responsible: freebsd-i386
>State: open
>Class: sw-bug
>Submitter-Id: current-users
>Arrival-Date: Thu May 19 02:20:22 GMT 2005
>Originator: Bruce Burden
>Release: FreeBSD 5.4 Stable
FreeBSD tigerfish2.my.domain 5.4-RELEASE-p1 FreeBSD 5.4-RELEASE-p1 #14: Tue May 17 00:15:52 UTC 2005 root at tigerfish2.my.domain:/usr/obj/usr/src/sys/TIGERFISH2 i386
GENERIC has an entry for "asr", but does not have "options ASR_COMPAT". If a card (in my case, Adaptec 3210S) using the asr driver is installed, the GENREIC kernel will panic when the OS goes multi-user (perhaps fsck starts?)
Simply attempt to boot i386 GENERIC on an INTEL/AMD 32 bit system with one of the asr supported cards installed. Probably need a disk attached to the controller as well.
Add "options ASR_COMPAT" to the GENERIC kernel directives. I'd suggest adding a mention of ASR_COMPAT to the asr man page as well.
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