i386/77477: AHA-1542CP SCSI failed to probe

Rick Voland rpvoland at spamcop.net
Thu May 5 20:20:06 PDT 2005

The following reply was made to PR i386/77477; it has been noted by GNATS.

From: Rick Voland <rpvoland at spamcop.net>
To: bug-followup at FreeBSD.org
Subject: Re: i386/77477:  AHA-1542CP SCSI failed to probe
Date: Thu, 05 May 2005 22:10:23 -0500

 I CVSup'ed to 5.4-RC4.  I tried the GENERIC kernel and then my usual 
 kernel configured for SMP and pentium-mmx.  It built and installed fine, 
 but has the same problems with AHA-1542CP SCSI, parallel port, and 
 soundcard as noted previously in this report.
 $ uname -a
 FreeBSD brian.local.bsd 5.4-RC4 FreeBSD 5.4-RC4 #0: Thu May  5 20:52:23 
 CDT 2005     root at brian.local.bsd:/usr/obj/usr/src/sys/BRIAN  i386

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