
Jon Noack noackjr at alumni.rice.edu
Tue Mar 15 13:30:41 PST 2005

David O'Brien wrote:
> On Tue, Mar 15, 2005 at 01:41:55PM -0600, Jon Noack wrote:
>>David O'Brien wrote:
>>>On Sat, Mar 12, 2005 at 10:48:52PM +0100, Bartosz Fabianowski wrote:
>>>>>Are you saying, all we need to do is commit this diff to make everyone's
>>>>>environment happy?
>>>Can you try with just -mno-sse2?  I'd like to litter the compile command
>>>line as little as possible.
>>I had this issue a while back with my Athlon-XP box 
>> Note that I would get instant reboots with CPUTYPE?=athlon-xp, CPUTYPE?=p3, 
>>and CPUTYPE?=p2.  However, it worked fine with CPUTYPE?=k6-2.  I think you 
>>are right to be cautious and disable anything that uses FP registers.
> I remember that problem but I don't know why I don't experience it, since
> I also use CPUTYPE=athlon-mp on my home desktop.  I suspect the problem
> is SSE2 usage, which the Althon {X,M}P doesn't support.

Huh.  That didn't fix it for me.  I manually merged the 
sys/boot/i386/Makefile.inc and sys/boot/i386/boot2/Makefile changes, 
added CPUTYPE?=athlon-xp, rebuilt world and kernel, and rebooted.  Same 
behavior.  Oh crap -- I just noticed the sys/conf/kern.mk patch.

Rebuilding kernel...


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