i386/78929: atapicam prevents boot, system hangs

Dmitry Pryanishnikov dmitry at atlantis.dp.ua
Sat Jun 18 22:40:23 GMT 2005

The following reply was made to PR i386/78929; it has been noted by GNATS.

From: Dmitry Pryanishnikov <dmitry at atlantis.dp.ua>
To: bug-followup at FreeBSD.org, harrycoin at quietfountain.com, sos at FreeBSD.org,
        thomas at FreeBSD.org
Subject: Re: i386/78929: atapicam prevents boot, system hangs
Date: Sun, 19 Jun 2005 01:39:42 +0300

  I've just verified that problem exists even under newest 6-CURRENT. 
 Both my ATAPI drives behave in the similar way: on ICH4 they work with 
 ATAPICAM, but on Promise Ultra 100 TX2
 they cause interrupt storm. E.g. I boot GENERIC kernel, verbose boot 
 messages are in
 and then I kldload atapicam. It doesn't output anything at this point 
 (/dev/cd0 doesn't
 appear), but minute (!) later kernel outputs "ata2: reiniting channel" 
 and then almost
 hanges. If I press <ALT><CTRL><ESC>, it slowly, letter-by-letter, enters 
 KDB prompt. Then
 I can issue "show int" command, and it shows me millions interrupts 
 through IRQ22, which
 is being used by Promise Ultra only. Removing "device atapicd" from 
 kernel doesn't cure
 this problem. What can I do to help hunting on this bug? ATA+ATAPICAM is 
 quite complex
 creature, so I don't know where to start from...
 Sincerely, Dmitry
 Atlantis ISP, System Administrator
 nic-hdl: LYNX-RIPE

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