i386/82285: kernel panic during reboot

Richard Legault rlegault at sandvine.com
Wed Jun 15 17:30:14 GMT 2005

>Number:         82285
>Category:       i386
>Synopsis:       kernel panic during reboot
>Confidential:   no
>Severity:       serious
>Priority:       high
>Responsible:    freebsd-i386
>State:          open
>Class:          sw-bug
>Submitter-Id:   current-users
>Arrival-Date:   Wed Jun 15 17:30:13 GMT 2005
>Originator:     Richard Legault
>Release:        5.3 + Sandvine Modifications
Sandvine Inc
5.30.0087. FreeBSD 5.30.0087. #29: Tue Jun  7 11:22:49 EDT 2005 
      Kernel is 5.3  +  Sandvine modifications

		I have uncovered a race condition during reboot, as the system is going down it kernel panics.
		This problem is reproducible on my system, it occurs approx 1 out of every 20 reboots.

		Stack Trace and variables of interest.
		#0  doadump () at pcpu.h:159
		#1  0xa05924a2 in boot (howto=260) at /usr/src/sys/kern/kern_shutdown.c:421
		#2  0xa05928a0 in panic (fmt=0xa076ff74 "%s") at /usr/src/sys/kern/kern_shutdown.c:584
		#3  0xa073853f in trap_fatal (frame=0xcdb54c1c, eva=0) at /usr/src/sys/i386/i386/trap.c:829
		#4  0xa0738215 in trap_pfault (frame=0xcdb54c1c, usermode=0, eva=8) at /usr/src/sys/i386/i386/trap.c:746
		#5  0xa0737d9e in trap (frame=
		      {tf_fs = 24, tf_es = 16, tf_ds = -1520304112, tf_edi = 15, tf_esi = -1511925548, tf_ebp = -843756432, tf_isp = -843756472, tf_ebx = -1516062592
		0, tf_ecx = -1516062592, tf_eax = 0, tf_trapno = 12, tf_err = 0, tf_eip = -1604789009, tf_cs = 8, tf_eflags = 66118, tf_esp = -1516062592, tf_ss = 0}
		    at /usr/src/sys/i386/i386/trap.c:436
		#6  0xa0723d8a in calltrap () at /usr/src/sys/i386/i386/exception.s:202
		#7  0x00000018 in ?? ()
		#8  0x00000010 in ?? ()
		#9  0xa5620010 in ?? ()
		#10 0x0000000f in ?? ()
		#11 0xa5e1d8d4 in ?? ()
		#12 0xcdb54c70 in ?? ()
		#13 0xcdb54c48 in ?? ()
		#14 0xa5a2b880 in ?? ()
		#15 0x00000000 in ?? ()
		#16 0xa5a2b880 in ?? ()
		#17 0x00000000 in ?? ()
		#18 0x0000000c in ?? ()
		#19 0x00000000 in ?? ()
		#20 0xa058dcef in cr_cansignal (cred=0xa5a2b880, proc=0xa5e1d8d4, signum=15) at /usr/src/sys/kern/kern_prot.c:1495
		#21 0xa058dd87 in p_cansignal (td=0xa5789c80, p=0xa5e1d8d4, signum=15) at /usr/src/sys/kern/kern_prot.c:1535
		#22 0xa0595192 in killpg1 (td=0xa5789c80, sig=15, pgid=-1511925548, all=1) at /usr/src/sys/kern/kern_sig.c:1321
		#23 0xa059553e in kill (td=0xa5789c80, uap=0xcdb54d14) at /usr/src/sys/kern/kern_sig.c:1398
		#24 0xa07388db in syscall (frame=
		      {tf_fs = 47, tf_es = 47, tf_ds = 47, tf_edi = 0, tf_esi = 1, tf_ebp = -1614811884, tf_isp = -843756172, tf_ebx = 1746232072, tf_edx = 2, tf_ecx
		x = 37, tf_trapno = 12, tf_err = 2, tf_eip = 1745696235, tf_cs = 31, tf_eflags = 642, tf_esp = -1614811972, tf_ss = 47})
		    at /usr/src/sys/i386/i386/trap.c:1021
		#25 0xa0723ddf in Xint0x80_syscall () at /usr/src/sys/i386/i386/exception.s:263

		The code where the crash occurred in cr_cansignal

			if (cred->cr_ruid != proc->p_ucred->cr_ruid &&
			    cred->cr_ruid != proc->p_ucred->cr_svuid &&
			    cred->cr_uid != proc->p_ucred->cr_ruid &&
			    cred->cr_uid != proc->p_ucred->cr_svuid) {
				/* Not permitted without privilege. */
				error = suser_cred(cred, SUSER_ALLOWJAIL);
				if (error)
					return (error);

		(kgdb) p *cred
		$2 = {cr_ref = 2614, cr_uid = 0, cr_ruid = 0, cr_svuid = 0, cr_ngroups = 3, cr_groups = {0, 0, 5, 0 <repeats 13 times>}, cr_rgid = 0, cr_svgid = 0,
		  cr_uidinfo = 0xa5620740, cr_ruidinfo = 0xa5620740, cr_prison = 0x0, cr_label = 0x0, cr_mtxp = 0xa560946c}
		(kgdb) p *proc
		$3 = {p_list = {le_next = 0xa5b0154c, le_prev = 0xa07edc64}, p_ksegrps = {tqh_first = 0xa56fa620, tqh_last = 0xa56fa624}, p_threads = {
		    tqh_first = 0xa5b51e10, tqh_last = 0xa5b51e18}, p_suspended = {tqh_first = 0x0, tqh_last = 0xa5e1d8ec}, p_ucred = 0x0, p_fd = 0x0, p_fdtol = 0x0,
		  p_stats = 0xd0019000, p_limit = 0x0, p_upages_obj = 0xa5b1cc60, p_sigacts = 0x0, p_flag = 24576, p_sflag = 1, p_state = PRS_NEW, p_pid = 1465, p_ha
		    le_next = 0x0, le_prev = 0xa561b6e4}, p_pglist = {le_next = 0xa5b4cc5c, le_prev = 0xa5b4b054}, p_pptr = 0xa5b4b000, p_sibling = {le_next = 0x0,
		    le_prev = 0xa5b4b068}, p_children = {lh_first = 0x0}, p_mtx = {mtx_object = {lo_class = 0xa07c19dc, lo_name = 0xa0789fa5 "process lock",
		      lo_type = 0xa0789fa5 "process lock", lo_flags = 4390912, lo_list = {tqe_next = 0x0, tqe_prev = 0x0}, lo_witness = 0x0}, mtx_lock = 2776145026,
		    mtx_recurse = 0}, p_oppid = 0, p_vmspace = 0x0, p_swtime = 9, p_realtimer = {it_interval = {tv_sec = 0, tv_usec = 0}, it_value = {tv_sec = 0,
		      tv_usec = 0}}, p_runtime = {sec = 0, frac = 29866236321160512}, p_uu = 0, p_su = 1590, p_iu = 0, p_uticks = 0, p_sticks = 0, p_iticks = 0,
		  p_profthreads = 0, p_maxthrwaits = 0, p_traceflag = 0, p_tracevp = 0x0, p_tracecred = 0x0, p_textvp = 0x0, p_siglist = {__bits = {0, 0, 0, 0}},
		  p_lock = 0 '\0', p_sigiolst = {slh_first = 0x0}, p_sigparent = 20, p_sig = 0, p_code = 0, p_stops = 0, p_stype = 0, p_step = 0 '\0', p_pfsflags = 0
		  p_nlminfo = 0x0, p_aioinfo = 0x0, p_singlethread = 0x0, p_suspcount = 0, p_xthread = 0xa5b51e10, p_boundary_count = 0, p_magic = 3203398350,
		  p_comm = "sleep\000r", '\0' <repeats 12 times>, p_pgrp = 0x0, p_sysent = 0xa07dae20, p_args = 0x0, p_cpulimit = 9223372036854775807, p_nice = 0 '\0
		  p_xstat = 0, p_klist = {kl_lock = 0xa5e1d940, kl_list = {slh_first = 0x0}}, p_numthreads = 1, p_numksegrps = 1, p_md = {md_ldt = 0x0}, p_itcallout
		    c_links = {sle = {sle_next = 0x0}, tqe = {tqe_next = 0x0, tqe_prev = 0x0}}, c_time = 0, c_arg = 0x0, c_func = 0, c_flags = 8}, p_uarea = 0xd00190
		  p_acflag = 0, p_ru = 0x0, p_peers = 0x0, p_leader = 0xa5e1d8d4, p_emuldata = 0x0, p_label = 0x0, p_sched = 0xa5e1da98}

		Notice the value of proc->ucred
		(kgdb) p proc->p_ucred
		$4 = (struct ucred *) 0x0

		Thus the crash.
		Somehow the p_ucred has been nulled during this routine.
		At the time of the crash the following variables had theses values
		thus proc->p_ucred is not used before the crash.

		Uncertain where the race condition could reside.

		I noticed in function kern_wait() in kern_exit.c
		that the setting p_p_ucred=NULL was not protected.
		I added PROC_LOCK(p) and PROC_UNLOCK(p) around the call 
		but the panic still occurred.

		This is a critical issue for us and I am willing to assist
      Race condition, hard to repeat reliably.

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