i386/73328: top shows NICE as -111 on processes started by idprio

Bruce Evans bde at zeta.org.au
Sun Oct 31 04:20:26 PST 2004

The following reply was made to PR i386/73328; it has been noted by GNATS.

From: Bruce Evans <bde at zeta.org.au>
To: "J. Porter Clark" <jpc at drum.msfc.nasa.gov>
Cc: freebsd-gnats-submit at FreeBSD.org, freebsd-i386 at FreeBSD.org
Subject: Re: i386/73328: top shows NICE as -111 on processes started by idprio
Date: Sun, 31 Oct 2004 23:15:43 +1100 (EST)

 On Sat, 30 Oct 2004, J. Porter Clark wrote:
 > >Description:
 >       The "top" program shows a NICE value of -111 for programs started by
 > idprio 31.  On 4.X, the "correct" value of 52 is shown.
 > >How-To-Repeat:
 >       As root, run "idprio 31 sleep 500 &".
 > Then run "top -Uroot".  The sleep process is listed as having a NICE value
 > of -111.  Other values besides 31 produce the same result.
 > >Fix:
 >       My guess is that it's probably in /usr/src/usr.bin/top/machine.c about line 747 or so, but I haven't had time to dig into it.
 I use this fix.  It may be out of date, and the comments about the "base"
 priority are too verbose and not quite right.
 Index: machine.c
 RCS file: /home/ncvs/src/usr.bin/top/machine.c,v
 retrieving revision 1.51
 diff -u -2 -r1.51 machine.c
 --- machine.c	6 Jun 2004 19:59:06 -0000	1.51
 +++ machine.c	7 Jun 2004 04:37:20 -0000
 @@ -573,18 +573,67 @@
  	    smpmode ? smp_Proc_format : up_Proc_format,
 -	    namelength, namelength,
 -	    (*get_userid)(pp->ki_ruid),
 -	    pp->ki_pri.pri_level - PZERO,
 -	    /*
 -	     * normal time      -> nice value -20 - +20
 -	     * real time 0 - 31 -> nice value -52 - -21
 -	     * idle time 0 - 31 -> nice value +21 - +52
 +	    namelength, namelength, (*get_userid)(pp->ki_ruid),
 +  	    pp->ki_pri.pri_level - PZERO,
 +	    /*-
 +	     * Mapping from various disorganized priority schemes to ordered
 +	     * pseudo-nice values:
 +	     *
 +	     * interrupt thread        base pri  0 - 63   -> nice -180 - -117
 +	     * top half kernel thread  base pri  64 - 127 -> nice -116 -  -53
 +	     * realtime user threads   rtprio    0 - 31   -> nice  -52 -  -21
 +	     * normal user threads     nice     -20 - +20 -> nice  -20 -  +20
 +	     * idle user threads       idprio    0 - 31   -> nice  +21 -  +52
 +	     *
 +	     * The number of interest is really the "base" priority of the
 +	     * process, not the niceness of the process directly.  The base
 +	     * priority should be what is is td->td_base_pri in the kernel,
 +	     * which is ki_pri.pri_native here.  In practice, that can't
 +	     * be used directly and the workarounds are complicated because
 +	     * of the following bugs:
 +	     *     o td->td_base_pri is changed by priority propagation and
 +	     *       not even restored.  Thus it cannot be used to determine
 +	     *       the priority class.  The other priorities in k_pri can
 +	     *       be used for this, but they are set inconsistently too so
 +	     *       there is no one place that determines the correct base
 +	     *       priority.
 +	     *     o td->td_base_pri is not set to a useful value for normal
 +	     *       user threads.  It is initialized to 0 and only changed
 +	     *       by priority propagation.  Workaround: use the actual
 +	     *       nice value for the "base priority" of normal user
 +	     *       threads.
 +	     *     o kg->kg_user_pri (pri_user here) is not set to a useful
 +	     *       value for kernel threads.  It is initialized to PUSER
 +	     *       and never changed.  Something like it should be used
 +	     *       for all classes of threads to hold the previous priority
 +	     *       during priority propagation.  Then there might not need
 +	     *       to be a special variable for the user -> kernel
 +	     *       transitions (which are a type of priority propagation).
 +	     *       I think a stack of such variables is needed in general
 +	     *       though -- kg->kg_user_pri is special because it is at
 +	     *       the top.
 +	     *
 +	     * We scale the base priority so that it agrees with the
 +	     * historical nice value for normal user threads, although this
 +	     * gives negative numbers for higher priority threads.
 +	     *
 +	     * PRI_BASE() strips the fifo scheduling bit from the priority
 +	     * class.  This is not relevant for the conversion to niceness,
 +	     * but it should be shown somewhere other as a raw number in
 +	     * an abnormal ps format.  We don't use PRI_IS_REALTIME()
 +	     * because there is no corresponding classification macro for
 +	     * non-realtime priority classes and the details are too
 +	     * messy to be hidden in macros.
 +	     *
 +	     * KNF indent -ci4 is intentionally violated here.
 -	    (pp->ki_pri.pri_class ==  PRI_TIMESHARE ?
 -	    	pp->ki_nice - NZERO :
 -	    	(PRI_IS_REALTIME(pp->ki_pri.pri_class) ?
 -		    (PRIO_MIN - 1 - (PRI_MAX_REALTIME - pp->ki_pri.pri_level)) :
 -		    (PRIO_MAX + 1 + pp->ki_pri.pri_level - PRI_MIN_IDLE))),
 +	    PRI_BASE(pp->ki_pri.pri_class) == PRI_ITHD ?
 +		PRIO_MIN + (pp->ki_pri.pri_native - PRI_MIN_TIMESHARE) :
 +	    PRI_BASE(pp->ki_pri.pri_class) == PRI_REALTIME ?
 +		PRIO_MIN + (pp->ki_pri.pri_user - PRI_MIN_TIMESHARE) :
 +	    PRI_BASE(pp->ki_pri.pri_class) == PRI_TIMESHARE ?
 +		pp->ki_nice - NZERO :
 +	    PRI_BASE(pp->ki_pri.pri_class) == PRI_IDLE ?
 +		PRIO_MAX + 1 + (pp->ki_pri.pri_user - PRI_MIN_IDLE) :
 +	    666,
 This area is broken in ps too.  The most obvious ones are:
 - My ntpd process (which has realtime priority 0 and is correctly
   displayed by top as having "nice" -52) is displayed by `ps -o rtprio'
   as having priority "real:12".  The bogus 12 is just ntpd's current
   priority less PZERO.  This bug is the same as one of the ones fixed
   above.  It is that pri_level gives the current priority so it gives
   a wrong value to subtract from when the process is running at an
   elevated priority in kernel mode.  top and ps seem to get this wrong
   in RELENG_4 too.
 - ps.1 says that `-o rtprio' causes a display of "101" for non-rtprio
   processes, but the actual display is "normal" for normal ones and
   a "%u.%u" format for unknown ones.  The man page became inconsistent
   with the code about "101" back in 1998 in rev.1.26 of ps/print.c.
   I think unknown cases occur for at least POSIX scheduling classes.

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