Asus k8v deluxe sk0 network problem

Reno Romanin reno at
Thu Nov 11 13:03:56 PST 2004

Hello all, I want to let you all know up front, I am a BSD newb, coming
from linux. I have been using 5.3 on a spare system I have around to get
the feel for it, and I was going to set up a dual boot on my main
system, but when I go through the install, and get to the NIC config, my
card will never get an ip from DHCP, nor will it work when I give it a
static ip. This is an AMD 64 board, but I'm installing 32 bit OS, to
avoid the lack of ported software.

The NIC is  Syskonnect onboard gigabit, and is found at boot as sk0.

Is this a known issue with this card/motherboard? Or do I need to send
some diag info? If so, this happens before the extra ttys are started,
so where do I get it.




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