i386/67047: mpt driver does not recognize messages from LSI card

JD Bronson jd at aurora.org
Sat May 22 08:10:28 PDT 2004

>Number:         67047
>Category:       i386
>Synopsis:       mpt driver does not recognize messages from LSI card
>Confidential:   no
>Severity:       serious
>Priority:       medium
>Responsible:    freebsd-i386
>State:          open
>Class:          sw-bug
>Submitter-Id:   current-users
>Arrival-Date:   Sat May 22 08:10:05 PDT 2004
>Originator:     JD Bronson
>Release:        5.2.1
Aurora Health Care
FreeBSD shadow 5.2.1-RELEASE FreeBSD 5.2.1-RELEASE #0: Thu May 20 18:55:53 CDT 2004     jbronson at shadow:/usr/src/sys/i386/compile/SHADOW  i386
When RAID is setup on the LSI 20320-R card, and the mirrors start to resync, freebsd is told, but does not understand the error/status message. I am concerned that if a mirror failed, freebsd would not be able to report this as well:

mpt0: <LSILogic 1030 Ultra4 Adapter> port 0x5400-0x54ff mem 0xedaa0000-0xedaaffff,0xedab0000-0xedabffff irq 20 at device 3.0 on pci1
Timecounters tick every 10.000 msec
Waiting 10 seconds for SCSI devices to settle
mpt0: Unknown event 0xb

mpt0: Unknown event 0xb

GEOM: create disk da0 dp=0xc7b72050
da0 at mpt0 bus 0 target 0 lun 0
da0: <LSILOGIC 1030          IM 1000> Fixed Direct Access SCSI-2 device 
da0: 320.000MB/s transfers (160.000MHz, offset 63, 16bit), Tagged Queueing Enabled
da0: 35000MB (71682030 512 byte sectors: 255H 63S/T 4462C)
add support to driver to reflect RAID status/changes - something like this under solaris:

May 19 19:40:10 shadow unix: /pci at 1,0/pci1000,1060 at 3 (mpt0):
May 19 19:40:10 shadow  Rev. 7 LSI, Inc. 1030 found.
May 19 19:40:10 shadow unix: /pci at 1,0/pci1000,1060 at 3 (mpt0):
May 19 19:40:10 shadow  mpt0 supports power management.
May 19 19:40:23 shadow unix: /pci at 1,0/pci1000,1060 at 3 (mpt0):
May 19 19:40:23 shadow  mpt0 Firmware version v1.3.24.0
May 19 19:40:23 shadow unix: /pci at 1,0/pci1000,1060 at 3 (mpt0):
May 19 19:40:23 shadow  mpt0: IOC Operational.
May 19 19:40:35 shadow unix: /pci at 1,0/pci1000,1060 at 3 (mpt0):
May 19 19:40:35 shadow  Volume 0 is optimal
May 19 19:40:37 shadow unix: PCI-device: pci1000,1060 at 3, mpt0
May 19 19:40:37 shadow unix: mpt0 is /pci at 1,0/pci1000,1060 at 3

I can tell that the RAID is fine (optimal) and if it is not, I would see this:

May 19 16:46:51 shadow unix: /pci at 1,0/pci1000,1060 at 3 (mpt0):
May 19 16:46:51 shadow  Rev. 7 LSI, Inc. 1030 found.
May 19 16:46:51 shadow unix: /pci at 1,0/pci1000,1060 at 3 (mpt0):
May 19 16:46:51 shadow  mpt0 supports power management.
May 19 16:47:04 shadow unix: /pci at 1,0/pci1000,1060 at 3 (mpt0):
May 19 16:47:04 shadow  mpt0 Firmware version v1.3.24.0
May 19 16:47:04 shadow unix: /pci at 1,0/pci1000,1060 at 3 (mpt0):
May 19 16:47:04 shadow  mpt0: IOC Operational.
May 19 16:47:16 shadow unix: /pci at 1,0/pci1000,1060 at 3 (mpt0):
May 19 16:47:16 shadow  Volume 0 is resyncing
May 19 16:47:16 shadow unix: /pci at 1,0/pci1000,1060 at 3 (mpt0):
May 19 16:47:16 shadow  Volume 0 is degraded
May 19 16:47:18 shadow unix: PCI-device: pci1000,1060 at 3, mpt0
May 19 16:47:18 shadow unix: mpt0 is /pci at 1,0/pci1000,1060 at 3
May 19 16:47:19 shadow unix: /pci at 1,0/pci1000,1060 at 3 (mpt0):
May 19 16:47:19 shadow  Volume 0 is |enabled||resyncing||degraded|


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