i386/66534: panic if_ath.c:2776 "transition to RUN state w/ no rates!" when no IP assigned to Level One WPC-0300 interface

Adrian Steinmann ast at marabu.ch
Tue May 11 10:00:38 PDT 2004

>Number:         66534
>Category:       i386
>Synopsis:       panic if_ath.c:2776 "transition to RUN state w/ no rates!" when no IP assigned to Level One WPC-0300 interface
>Confidential:   no
>Severity:       serious
>Priority:       medium
>Responsible:    freebsd-i386
>State:          open
>Class:          sw-bug
>Submitter-Id:   current-users
>Arrival-Date:   Tue May 11 10:00:30 PDT 2004
>Originator:     Adrian Steinmann
>Release:        FreeBSD 5.2-CURRENT i386
Webgroup Consulting AG
System: FreeBSD nico 5.2-CURRENT FreeBSD 5.2-CURRENT #0: Sat May 8 14:15:53 CEST 2004 root at nico.marabu.ch:/usr/obj/usr/src/sys/NIC i386

	Level One WPC-0300 is probed correctly by ath() driver. However if no
	IP has been assigned, it has no rate and kernel panics in if_ath.c
	line 2776:

        if (state == IEEE80211_S_RUN) {   
                /* start with highest negotiated rate */
                KASSERT(ni->ni_rates.rs_nrates > 0,
                        ("transition to RUN state w/ no rates!"));

	at first use (i.e. with kismet) unless the interface has been assigned
	an IP address.

	- Plug in card, but do *not* assign an IP with ifconfig ath0 inet ...
    		the ifconfig ath0 reports:

    ath0: flags=8802<BROADCAST,SIMPLEX,MULTICAST> mtu 1500
	ether 00:03:2f:16:9f:ae
	media: IEEE 802.11 Wireless Ethernet autoselect
	status: no carrier
	ssid ""
	channel -1 authmode OPEN powersavemode OFF powersavesleep 100
	rtsthreshold 2312 protmode CTS
	wepmode OFF weptxkey 1

	- Start kismet with kismet.conf source=radiotap_fbsd_b,ath0,ath0
	- Kernel will panic


	Workaround for now is never to forget an initial
		ifconfig ath0
	(it might even associate and thus have a negotiated rate):

	inet6 fe80::203:2fff:fe16:9fae%ath0 prefixlen 64 scopeid 0x3 
	inet netmask 0xff000000 broadcast
	ether 00:03:2f:xx:xx:xx
	media: IEEE 802.11 Wireless Ethernet autoselect <monitor>
	status: associated
	ssid AP 1:AP
	channel 2 authmode OPEN powersavemode OFF powersavesleep 100
	rtsthreshold 2312 protmode CTS
	wepmode OFF weptxkey 1


PS. This is the pciconf -lv of the
	Level One WPC-0300 54Mbps Wireless Cardbus adapter:

ath0 at pci2:0:0:  class=0x020000 card=0x710116ab chip=0x0013168c rev=0x01 hdr=0x00
    vendor   = 'Atheros Communications Inc.'
    device   = '802/11b/g AR5212 wireless Adapter'
    class    = network
    subclass = ethernet

See also http://www.level-one.de/products3.php?sklop=9&id=540520
which seems to describe a newer rev of this card (in german).

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