ports/67790: Compiling KDE: Fatal error 'Spinlock called when not threaded.'

Simon L. Nielsen simon at FreeBSD.org
Sat Jun 12 08:23:29 GMT 2004

Old Synopsis: Fatal error 'Spinlock called when not threaded.' at line 83 in file /usr/src/lib/libpthread/thread/thr_spinlock.c (errno = 0)
New Synopsis: Compiling KDE: Fatal error 'Spinlock called when not threaded.'

Responsible-Changed-From-To: freebsd-i386->freebsd-ports
Responsible-Changed-By: simon
Responsible-Changed-When: Sat Jun 12 08:20:46 GMT 2004
Reassign misfiled PR.

I also changed the synopsis to be more descriptive.


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