i386/63828: System hangs when installing Release 5.2.1 (i386 with ACPI, SMP and Promise Raid 0+1)

Alexander Weisel alex at schubduese.de
Thu Jun 3 18:50:33 PDT 2004

The following reply was made to PR i386/63828; it has been noted by GNATS.

From: "Alexander Weisel" <alex at schubduese.de>
To: <freebsd-gnats-submit at FreeBSD.org>, <jiafu_he at yahoo.com>
Subject: Re: i386/63828: System hangs when installing Release 5.2.1 (i386 with ACPI, SMP and Promise Raid 0+1)
Date: Fri, 4 Jun 2004 01:43:52 -0000

 Nearly same problem here with Tyan S2466 and Promise FastTrak TX2000.
 1. As soon as the install procedure begins with executing a 'newfs' on new
 slices (just before the files are copied), i get an error with SIG 11 and the
 system reboots.
 2. I tried an binary upgrade from 5.1 with the 5.2.1 CD. After selecting the
 slices/mountpoints a check for 'filesystem integrity' is launched. After about
 30s i get a kernel panic with the message 'lost mount'.
 Raid is destroyed and must be rebuilt in both cases.

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