i386/68899: Problems reading and writing DVD-RAM discs

dino boredhacker at yahoo.com
Sat Jul 10 14:20:30 PDT 2004

>Number:         68899
>Category:       i386
>Synopsis:       Problems reading and writing DVD-RAM discs
>Confidential:   no
>Severity:       serious
>Priority:       high
>Responsible:    freebsd-i386
>State:          open
>Class:          sw-bug
>Submitter-Id:   current-users
>Arrival-Date:   Sat Jul 10 21:20:30 GMT 2004
>Originator:     dino
>Release:        5.2.1
Balston Research LLC
FreeBSD medea.digitalescorts.net 5.2.1-RELEASE FreeBSD 5.2.1-RELEASE #7: Sat Jul 10 12:41:34 EDT 2004     root at medea.digitalescorts.net:/usr/obj/usr/src/sys/MEDEA  i386
      Let me start by stating that i have ATAPICAM compiled into the kernel.  Now, I am able to 'mount_udf /dev/acd0 /mnt'.  However, if the dvd-ram media is formated w/ UDF2 and I attempt to 'cat' or 'cp' a file ('ls' seems to work okay) the error message 'cannot allocate memory' is returned.
      If the dvd-ram is formatted w/ UDF1.5 I am able to cat/cp MOST files.  Unfortunately, trying to cp/cat certain files (maybe 'cause they are large?) results in the entire system crashing/rebooting automagically (ugh!).  In addition, the disc gets corrupted (I tried copying a file from a directory on the DVD-RAM and after the crash/reboot I was no longer able to even ls the directory that the file was contained in, some kind of 'input/output error').
      Well, you may or may not need specific hardware (MATSHITA DVD-RAM SW-9571 A111).  Insert a dvd-ram disc that is formated UDF2, mount_udf it, then try 'cat file_on_dvd_ram'; the message displayed is 'cannot allocate memory'.
      Also, insert a dvd-ram disc that is formatted UDF1.5, mount_udf it, then try 'cp large_file_on_dvd_ram some_dir_on_hd' with various large files; eventually the system should crash and reboot, your dvd-ram will be corrupted.

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