i386/61005: The Boot Manager in FreeBSD 5.2RC can't boot FreeBSD
matthew at cnfug.org
Tue Jan 6 20:00:43 PST 2004
>Number: 61005
>Category: i386
>Synopsis: The Boot Manager in FreeBSD 5.2RC can't boot FreeBSD
>Confidential: no
>Severity: non-critical
>Priority: low
>Responsible: freebsd-i386
>State: open
>Class: sw-bug
>Submitter-Id: current-users
>Arrival-Date: Tue Jan 06 20:00:38 PST 2004
>Originator: Matthew
>Release: FreeBSD 5.2 RC
FreeBSD 5.2 RC i386
I install NetBSD 1.6GZ in the first partition using the default file system, FreeBSD 5.2RC in the second partition using UFS2 file system and RedHat Linux 9.0 in the third partition using EXT3 file systme.
Partition size:
NetBSD: 4G, FreeBSD: 5G, RedHat: 5G
I use "boot0cfg -B -b /boot/boot0 /dev/ad0" to reinstall the boot manager in FreeBSD 5.2RC, after I reboot my box, the boot manager shows:
F2 FreeBSD
F3 Linux
I press F1, the boot manager can load NetBSD correctly, and when I press F2 and F3 it can't load the operation system, and boot manager does't report any message about this.
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