i386/53200: 5.1-RC1 SMP kernel boot gags at "APIC_IO: Testing 8254 interrupt delivery"

Graeme Tattersall gtattersall at tibus.com
Mon Jul 28 03:20:20 PDT 2003

The following reply was made to PR i386/53200; it has been noted by GNATS.

From: Graeme Tattersall <gtattersall at tibus.com>
To: freebsd-gnats-submit at FreeBSD.org
Cc: "Simon L. Nielsen" <simon at FreeBSD.org>, jimd at siu.edu
Subject: Re: i386/53200: 5.1-RC1 SMP kernel boot gags at "APIC_IO: Testing
 8254 interrupt delivery"
Date: Mon, 28 Jul 2003 11:05:23 +0100

 Hi Guys,
 I have managed to get the SMP kernel to boot, and repeat this 
 successfully, by doing the following - Can someone verify this works? 
 For testing, I'm using the GENERIC kernel with SMP and APIC_IO enabled.
 At the FreeBSD 5.1 boot menu, select option 6 to exit to boot-loader. 
 Hit the return key at the prompt to continue booting.  On my system, the 
 kernel now does not hang at the testing interrupt prompt.
 Obviously this is still not ideal, but hopefully it will give someone 
 who knows the code/architecture a pointer as to how to acheive a fix.
 BIOS settings, btw, do not seem to affect this SMP hang-at-boot - the 
 only SMP setting in my BIOS is to enable MP v1.4 - as my system is a 
 dual PIII, stuff like Hyperthreading doesn't apply.

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