misc/60551: No sound for ATI TV-Wonder (stereo not VE)
Simon L. Nielsen
simon at FreeBSD.org
Thu Dec 25 14:28:38 PST 2003
Synopsis: No sound for ATI TV-Wonder (stereo not VE)
State-Changed-From-To: open->feedback
State-Changed-By: simon
State-Changed-When: Thu Dec 25 14:25:15 PST 2003
You must give much more details, like:
What exactly is not working (is there no sound when using tuner, video
in, tv-out... ?).
Does it work in other FreeBSD releases?
Does it work on other operation systems?
Does video work ?
and so on. Otherwise nobody will be able to find/fix the problem.
Responsible-Changed-From-To: freebsd-i386->freebsd-bugs
Responsible-Changed-By: simon
Responsible-Changed-When: Thu Dec 25 14:25:15 PST 2003
This does not sound i386 specific, so throw this into the general pool
(and change category accordingly).
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