Turkish F Keyboard Layout for vt(Newcons)

Ufuk Guler ufukguler at yahoo.com
Mon Jul 24 12:07:34 UTC 2017

I recognize that kbd extension is not allowed. So I convert it to txt. I hope this can be readable. Thanks.

ufukguler at yahoo.com

      From: Ufuk Guler <ufukguler at yahoo.com>
 To: "freebsd-i18n at freebsd.org" <freebsd-i18n at freebsd.org> 
 Sent: Monday, July 24, 2017 2:40 PM
 Subject: Turkish F Keyboard Layout for vt(Newcons)

I am a new user of FreeBSD. Myself is using official Turkish F layout.  This layout isn't exist in the current release. With the help of FreeBSD forum users I create a new keymap file for my own usage.  

I want to add this keymap file into new FreeBSD releases. Maybe this will be useful for others. 

What is the way to accomplish this addition.
Thanks in advance for your guidance.

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