Hi es_MX internationalization needed.....

Eric De La Cruz Lugo eric_delacruz at yahoo.com
Thu Jun 3 17:28:45 UTC 2010


Thanks for your reply, I read it already, and ended my self reading the mklocale manuals

The problem i have now is where to find a suitable es_MX.UTF-8.src file, I looked here:


to no avail.

Do you know or some one know here in the list where i can find a src file for es_MX.UTF-8 ?

Thanks in advance.

LIA Eric De La Cruz Lugo
Mérida, Yucatán, México, The MayaLand.


From: Bernt Hansson <bernt at bah.homeip.net>
To: Eric De La Cruz Lugo <eric_delacruz at yahoo.com>
Cc: freebsd-i18n at freebsd.org; freebsd-questions at freebsd.org
Sent: Wed, June 2, 2010 10:24:32 PM
Subject: Re: Hi es_MX internationalization needed.....

2010-06-03 03:37, Eric De La Cruz Lugo skrev:
> Hi to every one.
> I  have been checking the mail lists and haven`t found information about es_MX localization, in Ubuntu, OpenSUSE and other Linux distributions this can be achieved by something like.
> # locale-gen es_MX.UTF-8

Not the freebsd way of doing it.
hava a look at:


> # locale-gen es_MX
> But on FreeBSD I can`t find any command or tool to perform this.
> there is a es_ES locale on FreeBSD.
> I thinked about generating the es_MX locale with a file like es_MX.UTF-8.src or something like that, without success this is beyond my expertise right now.
> I need the es_MX because there is a postgreSQL database that "MUST" be encoded with the es_MX encoding, for a project am working on.
> On KDE 4 on FreeBSD 8.0 I can changed the region to Mexico (es_MX), but I can't change my locale variables (LC_) on my command line terminal.
> they look actually like this:
> [cursos] ~>  locale
> LC_CTYPE="es_ES.UTF-8"
> LC_TIME="es_ES.UTF-8"
> [cursos] ~>
> On other server i have OpenSUSE 11.2 and have this:  (the way a needed it).
> edelacruz at sgi:~>  locale
> LANG=es_MX.UTF-8
> LC_CTYPE="es_MX.UTF-8"
> LC_TIME="es_MX.UTF-8"
> LC_PAPER="es_MX.UTF-8"
> LC_NAME="es_MX.UTF-8"
> edelacruz at sgi:~>
> How do i do this on FreeBSD 8.0 i386 or amd64?
> Thanks in advance for your attention and help.
> LIA Eric De La Cruz Lugo.
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