ftp.at.freebsd.org offline // replacement

Klaus P. Ohrhallinger k at 7he.at
Sun Feb 10 20:01:27 UTC 2013

On Sat, Feb 09, 2013 at 10:40:49PM +0000, Simon L. B. Nielsen wrote:


> So currently at.FreeBSD.org is run by ns[12].wu-wien.ac.at. Are those
> the people you have talked to?

Yes, exactly.

> Running mirrors and running the DNS part does not have to anything to
> do with each other, but if wu-wien.ac.at prefers not to run the DNS
> anymore we can just pull the zone back into the main FreeBSD.org zone,
> and then create records ftpX records for your server in the zone.

That would be great. Could you create ftp.at.freebsd.org as a zone
and delegate it to ns1.sil.at, ns2.sil.at and ns3.sil.at ?
They are already configured.
This way I can disable one of the two actual servers in DNS
when I have to do maintenance.

> -- 
> Simon L. B. Nielsen
> Hat: FreeBSD.org mirror admin / clusteradm etc.

Best regards,
	* * * * * * http://www.ipv6actnow.org/ * * * * * *

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