pkgng mirrors

Tim Bishop tim-lists at
Wed Sep 5 19:08:17 UTC 2012

On Wed, Sep 05, 2012 at 06:35:48PM +0000, Bjoern A. Zeeb wrote:
> ... we need it, especially if run well (though the majority of mirrors
> sadly aren't run well); ...

I run so I've interacted with quite a few open source
projects that have their stuff mirrored by third parties. The FreeBSD
system seems fairly primitive compared to others; whilst you have
various things to check the status of the mirrors there's nothing (as
far as I know) automatically happening with it. Other projects have
systems to automatically remove mirrors from listings if they're not
updating properly or are missing content.

If FreeBSD was to do something similar you'd be able to retain a well
established mirror network whilst effectively weeding out broken sites.

That said, 10TB worth of packages? That's a lot and I can imagine most
mirrors couldn't handle that quantity of data.


Tim Bishop
PGP Key: 0x5AE7D984

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