[simon@freebsd.org: Re: anoncvs.. offer]

Michael Scheidell scheidell at freebsd.org
Thu Jun 7 15:09:39 UTC 2012

not on hubs at ... so.

On 6/7/12 10:05 AM, Thomas Abthorpe wrote:
> Hmm, you guys use pie charts in network monitoring?;-)
learned years ago, when the 'color' terminals came out (we really only 
need green screen), that there is a difference between what the soc 
engineers need, and what the customers want to see.

clients are not all that bright..  if they don't see pretty pie charts, 
they don't know its running.

If we really explained how we did, what we did, and why we did it, they 
would not purchase.

I am NOT running a cvs or svn mirror right now.  The only official 
mirror I run is for SpamAssassin (SpamAssassin spam code signatures).  I 
am one of three official mirrors.

we would NOT put it in our 'corporate' network, or block of ip addresses 
(people always try to hack security companies.. especially if they see 
we use pie charts).

But a totally separate network.  Our internal people would not even have 
access to this.
Access controls would be totally up to you.  (as long as they meet our 
minimum controls),

As for ssh, whatever, you just tell me what you need, is it ok to put 
this in a 7.4 AMD64 jail? or would you feel more comfortable with a 
dedicated machine?

and as for cvs vs svn, my original need was to anoncvs to help a 
potential ports committer learn cvs, but, we are moving ports to svn anyway.

Doesn't matter, if you need a anoncvs.us.freebsd.org, let me know 
specifications and requirements, I'll set up what needs to be set up .

Michael Scheidell, CTO
 >*| * SECNAP Network Security Corporation
d: +1.561.948.2259
w: http://people.freebsd.org/~scheidell

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