Change in layout / removal of older releases...

Ken Smith kensmith at
Thu Sep 1 12:46:53 UTC 2011

Two quick notes.

For those of you who actually check what gets transferred, the bits that
are being uploaded on ftp-master for 9.0-BETA2 are in slightly different
places for at least some of the architectures (amd64 and i386 so far).
We didn't miss the target when uploading, the change was intentional.
With 9.0 there is support in the "make release" infrastructure to handle
a wider variety of architectures per machine type.  As things stand
now that is most visible in architectures we don't normally do builds
for as part of formal releases.  But the new installer needed to be
set up to handle differentiating among the architectures.  For now the
only "visible" place you would be able to see it is with the "powerpc"
machine type.  Support for 32-bit powerpc will be in:


while support for 64-bit powerpc will be in:


when the shift is complete.  Note that this will only be for 9.X and
later branches.  When we do 8.3 it will use the old layout.

And I'm somewhat overdue for removing the 7.3-RELEASE and 8.1-RELEASE
bits from ftp-master.  I'll do that September 4th, 2011 (this Sunday).
If you do anything special to keep the older releases around please do
it before then.


                                                Ken Smith
- From there to here, from here to      |       kensmith at
  there, funny things are everywhere.   |
                      - Theodor Geisel  |
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