Sorry state of the rsync based CVS,replication

Simon L. B. Nielsen simon at
Sun Nov 14 11:13:40 UTC 2010

On 12 Nov 2010, at 09:47, Patrick Bihan-Faou wrote:

> Don't take this as flamebait, because I have no intention in starting a war on this particular issue, but as good as cvsup is, this is unfortunately a fairly isolated tool that, from my prospective (which is necessarily biaised and incomplete), does not offer any feature compelling enough to prefer it over rsync in our case. That position is by essence just a personal view, applicable to me only and not to anybody else. Also I have to admit that now that the m3 dependency is gone with csup, it becomes easier to return to it.

The issue is not to remove CVS via rsync - just to remove it from the FTP collection where it doesn't belong.

There is nothing which prevents mirror sites from providing access to the CVS repo via rsync, even if they get it via CVSup...

If it's useful (IE, any of the primary mirrors requests it) we can probably rather easily set up rsync access via cvsup-master. That said, I think rsync access is likely not too interesting for most master mirrors as they likely provide access to the repo via CVSup already, so they have cvsup installed already.

Simon L. B. Nielsen
Hat: clusteradm

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