IPv6 and cvsup servers

Peter Losher Peter_Losher at isc.org
Mon Mar 31 00:00:44 PDT 2008

(wearing my cvsup4/freebsd.isc.org hat on)

Garance A Drosihn wrote:

> Some of my friends have been moving their machines into the world of
> IPv6.  It seems that the cvsup program is old enough that it doesn't
> know about IPv6 (true?). 

Correct cvsup/cvsupd are written in Modula3, which doesn't know anything 
about IPv6 (and I am pretty certain that it likely never will)

> So they went to use the csup program in
> the base system, and while that seems to understand IPv6 just fine,
> they couldn't seem to make a connection to any of the official cvsup
> servers that they tried via IPv6.
> E.g:  "It looks like cvsup4.freebsd.org is refusing connections
>        on ipv6 despite it having an AAAA record."
> Is this expected?

Yes; for now.  Hopefully at some point there will be a IPv6-aware & 
native replacement for cvsupd, and if so, I hope to be the first one 
running it.

(and no I am not interested in 6tunnel'ing; this isn't 2003 anymore)

> Given that the servers are all using the cvsup
> program, it wouldn't surprise me if they can't handle connections
> from IPv6 hosts.  But if that's the case, then why are there AAAA
> records for the cvsup*.freebsd.org hostnames?

Because the mirror *.freebsd.org hostnames are in fact CNAME's; in 
cvsup4's case it's pointed to freebsd.isc.org, which has the A & AAAA 
records, and we do offer IPv6 for www5 and ftp4.

I don't really see it as a problem at the moment since IPv6 connections 
via csup to cvsup4 are immediately refused and it retries on the IPv4 
address which will hopefully just work. (I assume your friends are dual 
stack and are not IPv6 only?)

> (apologies if this was a dumb question, but I haven't done much with
> IPv6)

No worries.  Hope this helps clear this up for you.

Best Wishes - Peter
Peter_Losher at isc.org | ISC | OpenPGP 0xE8048D08 | "The bits must flow"

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